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  1. G

    Alarm buzzer

    will see what the ATM chips shows when i get the battery charged up on my scope. I am hoping to see the same results on the scope as the log shows. Alarm buzzer triggered. There is always voltage across the buzzer, 1k resistor, it just pulses when the ATM send pulses to BS170.
  2. G

    Alarm buzzer

    i agree that i need to test with a signal. Thats why i tested the alarm buzzer with my scope calibrator which has a 1khz square wave at 1 volt level. Like i mentioned before, with the 1 volt calibration voltage i could hear a faint 1khz tone. Really low level because alarm buzzer needs a square...
  3. G

    Alarm buzzer

    thanks Steve. I have never heard my alarm go off ever, and when i use test buttons, it does not alarm. I am suspecting the buzzer since even with the 1vp-p calibration reference used to activate it when removed, it should be louder than the faint buzz i get right now. BS170 measures fine , so i...
  4. G

    Alarm buzzer

    quick question about this. Looking at past posts i have been trying to find out if while booting up, does the buzzer buzz. If it is supposed to then i come to the next question. The only way i have to test the buzzer is with my scopes 1volt p-p square wave calibration source. I can hear the...
  5. G

    More details on reading noise graph

    Thanks Steve for your ideas. It is pretty strange what i have observed when changing out Pi`s. I totally reformated the sd card prior to powering up the Pi3+ with the latest snapshot. I always keep the firmware updated. Used the same sd card. The controls work exactly like they should now. A...
  6. G

    Interesting Graph

    I believe i solved my question on the graph. I believe when the products probes where added, the right hand graph scaling changed. The current displayed scale shows a narrower temp range while in reality that range must of changed and got much broader without updating the scaling on the right...
  7. G

    Interesting Graph

    Brian, Got too much time on my hands so playing with the updated Heatermeter and noticed how the graph and possibly the controls flatten when you go from only looking at the pit probe and then adding 3 product probes. Thought this was interesting. Any ideas or concerns.
  8. G

    More details on reading noise graph

    Brian, Just updated my Pi from a Pi3 to the 3+. I noticed that the control is much more stabile and just seems to work better. Not sure why right now but that is what has happened. I thought is was a fluke, but swapping in the 3 and doing control and noise test, definetly showed improvement with...
  9. G

    Servo either doesn't move or runs continuously

    should have read your post a little closer. The capacitor does help eliminate the hunting that occurs with the servo. Not sure how you have wired the micro damper up, but on mine i do not use the connector, i hardwired everything. I did use the recommended cap and soldered it to the servo 5+...
  10. G

    Servo either doesn't move or runs continuously

    go to Brian`s Wiki page link and go to last topic at bottom of page and follow instrution
  11. G

    wsm 22 cook, advise please

    The control looks a little hot. You might try lowering your P value to 2.5 and raise your I value to .003. Not sure what your using for your damper, but once you flatten out the oscillations, you can start playing with the fan settings. Oscillations usually mean the Gain is too high and the...
  12. G

    Designing an adapter for damper, looking for advice on location on Char-Broil Kamander

    I agree with Brian with using the Offset Rotary Valve. The tighter the seal of the grill, the more pressure you need to move air. When grill is the coldest, with a tightly sealed grill, the air pressure is highest. Air density drops as it gets warmer. But with that long snorkel air feed, which...
  13. G

    Post Your Config Settings

    Tom Kole style damper This is a good idea and needed since people keep asking this question. So here is a link to a cook I did earlier in the month with a Tom Kole Offset Damper used on a Primo Jr ceramic grill. 1st off my grill is sealed real tight, so no leaks. When grilling at 225, the...
  14. G

    Post your live HeaterMeter Cooks

    ChrisB, Could you please post your config settings for your BGE. Would love to see what you ended up with for that cook. Chris also what was the weather, temp, humidity and type of lump charcoal you used. I am trying to make an extensive database with config, weather, and lump data as to help...
  15. G

    Quarantine Rib Cook

    This Tom Kole design and the Adapt-A-Damper are the dampers that work the best on my smaller ceramic Primo Jr. Sometime when the world finally get healthier, I might try the lower rpm fan that Will uses in the Adapt -A- Damper for both dampers. This might work quit well my grill. p/n for that...
  16. G

    Quarantine Rib Cook

    now that`s what i am talking aboot. This works for me. Well done Brian.
  17. G

    Quarantine Rib Cook

    I am posting a rib cook i did yesterday on my Primo Jr. using a Tom Kole Offset Damper version 2. Great ribs. I am posting my configuration settings and a couple of cook graphs. The new feature Brian has added to graphs where you can select either the output, fan, or servo is great. Fine tuning...
  18. G

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    here is more for the fire. never opened the lid till cook was done at 2:30 pm. first major drop i did a reboot and then waited. the second one i changed probe when it dropped. when it started dropping again i reload the 20200214 firmware. the last 2 who knows and then it started to stabilize...
  19. G

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    Brian, When my grilled reached temp, i noticed i could not maintain temp. Temp started dropping off and never recovered even when the servo showed it was open 50%. Thought maybe the thermocouple was flaky so i changed it. No change. When the temp dipped, servo would open and the fan would show...
  20. G

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    Brian cooking some ribs today and noticed an issue with the fan control. Since the change with the "invert output" highlight tag and the ability to reverse the servo pulse direction calibration, my fan now needs to have the "invert output" box clicked in order for the fan to follow the servo...

