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  1. G

    Thermocouple cap to protect the plug from the elements/weather

    my plugs has been exposed to elements for years. All I do every once in awhile, a couple of years, is to take a scratchy pad and drag it across the tips to clean off any crap that might have accumulated. I have never had any corrosion on the tip conductors. This is many a year user of...
  2. G


    another idea is once the project has been tested and your happy with how it working, then disassemble the Heatermeter and spray the boards with conformal coating spray. You will have to mask connectors and pin header and pushbuttons, but this stuff prevents corrosion when moisture gets on boards...
  3. G

    Which thermocouple

    I started to make my own. See post that i started I am extremely happy with results so far. Issues with grease soaked thermocouple cables has been eliminated and after disassembling a few china made couples, mine are...
  4. G

    User made Thermocouple ideas and results

    I decided to go this route because the thermocouples I was purchasing just seemed to have a shorter life than what I was expecting. After much thought and using products that I used in my last job, I decided to try my approach with a probe that works well for my grill. I purchased some solid...
  5. G

    Post your live HeaterMeter Cooks

    I think a discussion topic for thermocouple ideas should be started. I will get one started with what I used for my probe. I know Will Begg decided to go down this road and he might have some input on this subject as well as others out there who have travelled down this rabbit hole.
  6. G

    Post your live HeaterMeter Cooks

    here is my latest and best ever cook. Not sure why the controller works this well, but it could be the thermocouple probe I made. I have been starting to think that what I have been purchasing, no name given and not from Amazon or eBay, just might not be as reliable as I would expect. Went ahead...
  7. G

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    You guessed correctly, RealTek driver. It did not install it`s self, but had bad results for computer. That how I noticed the issue first was with the noise dump from the graph. Along with the Edge browser running really slow and erratic, I decided to remove last thing done, RealTek driver and...
  8. G

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    Brian Problem solved. The issue was with a new ASUS sound driver for my motherboard. Caused severe slowdowns of my web browser and other strange events that finally went away after uninstalling latest sound driver stuff and then re-installing the previous sound driver version. Good old ASUS...
  9. G

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    So i went ahead and reformatted sd card and then updated image. Booted up fine and is working properly. One thing though, with the filter in the off state, my thermocouple pit probe temp is rock solid. When switched to 50hz or 60hz the pit probes jumps around between .5 and 1 degree. Tried with...
  10. G

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    so i just downloaded the latest snapshot and tried to update my unit and it will not update by going through the avr path or sytem/restoreupdate firmware path. it shows img in the upload stage and then drops connection with 80% complete. heatermeter never restores and the usual image flashing...
  11. G

    My long way to the bliss of automated BBQ

    try these settings. They work for me with my Adapt-A-Damper. The only update to those setting are the lid open settings. I use the default settings which i believe are 15% and 240 seconds. It better to recover slowly to prevent overshoot.
  12. G

    Alarm buzzer

    Thanks for the follow up Brian. Will update to latest image and test it out. Currently going through some thermocouple issues. All of them are flakey so made a couple from my stash of Kapton high temp couple wire. So far I have learned that they are accurate, but the response time is faster than...
  13. G

    Where has Bryan been, is this project abandoned?!

    First off, glad you and your family is safe from this nasty virus. Going to post a link that says it all right now if we are going to win this war on Covid. Coming from the Pharma side of the world, I know first had how easy it is to get someone else`s bug. Granted we all used sterile gowns when...
  14. G

    Temp probes are way off

    this is the one thing you need to watch out for. My previous Pi3 had issues when it got hot with freeze-up, but mostly the controls would start having a mine of it`s own. I am currently cooking a spatchcock chicken with my heatermeter using a Pi3+ and have not had any temp issues so far. One...
  15. G

    Help! Testing thermocouple on v4.3 board

    Juho, Not is all lost. You can still use the board. Just remove parts for the thermocouple mod and add the thermistor jack and i believe 10k resistor. I`m sure, buti think there is a link on the wiki page to make this change. You can still use what you have to enjoy being a heatermeter user...
  16. G

    How to find HM IP Address

    So Paul, not sure if you have been down this rabbitt hole, but here goes. When connecting to my heatermeter using the weblink, it shows for the hardwire connection. If i do not connect with a cable i get the "timeout" message after a few seconds. The wireless connection will show...
  17. G

    Pit probe all over the place??

    another thing to check is your damper. Make sure the damper is not hunting or binding. If you built your own damper and purchased your servo, you could have got a chineese knockoff. Vorpal servos have a good history of working correctly and they claim they are made by Tower Pro. That`s the brand...
  18. G

    Help with PID settings.

    i am attaching my configuration for my Primo Jr grill. My damper servo settings are opposite because the damper for this config is for a Tom Kole damper. Hope these setting help you out.
  19. G

    Help with PID settings.

    i would start again with P set to 2.5 and I set at .0035. What kind of grill and damper do you have. Where is your pit probe placed.
  20. G

    Alarm buzzer

    So got the alarm stuff working. I guess i did not interprete how it works per software, versus how it did work when setting up. What i failed to do was to make changes to probe 0 when i had it selected. I assumed that whenever you toggled test key, not only does the log say you trigged the...

