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  1. G

    Trouble Connecting to WIFI

    Did you connect to router with ethernet cable first? When booting up do you see an ip address in the HM display. No ip then something is not correct. In the GitHub page it has a procedure to edit the config file so you can setup wireless without connecting with a cable first. When connecting...
  2. G

    Trouble Connecting to WIFI

    Arnie, To download latest software that will be loaded onto the sd card can be found at this link now go to the download section Now this is where you will get the software to load onto the sd card Under version select latest...
  3. G

    Trouble Connecting to WIFI

    Arnie, This is what I would do to get this up and running. You will need to down load a sd card formatter and an image writer app. I would also purchase a new sd card so you can start fresh and have the original sd card for backup. for sd card...
  4. G

    servo stopped - servoing

    This is why I use a battery to run my HM. Nothing but clean power versus a cheap switching power supply.
  5. G

    servo stopped - servoing

    Check to make sure your RJ-45 jack that is mounted to HM board does not have a cold solder joint. I am assuming the cable you used was a manufactured one. Also my personnel experience with cables up to 5' did not cause any fan or servo problems. Make sure on the +5v and ground terminals you have...
  6. G

    Pit Reading 400°F + when plugged in. K-Thermocouple

    This is the info people need to help. If this was my HM this is what I would do in this order 1 Try a different power supply. Myself I would use a 12v battery capable of suppling 2amps. 2 replace flash card with new one out of the package and make sure to format it prior to flash. Use formatting...
  7. G

    Pit Reading 400°F + when plugged in. K-Thermocouple

    I agree with the above. The original post had no info. What kind of HM did you have? Just changing TC`s will not get much response from others. Did you check your configuration to make sure the thermocouple was set up correctly. This is information that would help others help you. Users will...
  8. G

    Thermocouple not Matching the temps on ThermoWorks

    My question is, did you purchase the correct TC. Did you purchase a "J" type by mistake? Also I have had mixed results with Amazon specials. If i purchase a thermocouple I usually will get one from Thermoworks or make my own since I have made a setup to weld junctions that are reliable and do...
  9. G

    New Heater Meter 4.3 Build Servo Issues

    Yike`s. That's not good. Did you buy the Adapt-A-Damper already assembled and ready to go or did you buy parts and assemble. Also, if you bought parts and assembled it, is the servo a sg/mg 90. The "D" series really should not be used. Check the keystone in the damper to make sure it`s got good...
  10. G

    Debugging assistance please

    Dale From your description you might be using a non-regulated power supply. That`s not a good thing. I have inserted a link for a supply from Amazon which would work well with HM. Also if you live in an area where the outside temps are running in the 90`s and higher, find some way to cool the...
  11. G

    Thermocouple Noise When Using 2.4G Wifi

    Brian, Thanks for response. Will insert the lines of code you provided above the EXIT 0 prior to my next cook and see what it does for my noise levels. Sorry I got you started on the dreaded "how do I solve this loop". I used to hate that loop and don`t loose sleep over it. Maybe a few liquid...
  12. G

    Thermocouple Noise When Using 2.4G Wifi

    Bryan, Makes sense. So my next question is, did you make this change in through the HM scripts or would i need to get into the Pi directly. Would like to lower power. I have a mesh set-up so my grill area has good 2.4ghz coverage, by I am currently working on node positioning so I get better...
  13. G

    Raspberry Pi Fried, Weird Display! Help!

    Tony, The only thing i see is in the upper left side of board by power jack is the swapped resistor and diode. You could have caused damage by applying 12+ to the servo. The resistor could be bad from too much current and thus the resistors wattage was exceeded and the resistor could be open or...
  14. G

    HeaterMeter Hardware v4.3.3, v4.3.4, v4.3.5, v4.3.6

    Looks like I have some time to order one. Just about finished with house and garage repair after last windstorm did it`s thing. Did finally fire up my HM this weekend after 3 months and pork tenderloin made wife a little happier.
  15. G

    Why can't this thing just work... (frustrated)

    Michel, Have you tried a different power source and a new sd card. Those item could possibly cause intermittent problems.
  16. G

    HeaterMeter Hardware v4.3.3, v4.3.4, v4.3.5, v4.3.6

    Brian, If I ordered the clear case would it be with this new clear filament?
  17. G

    HeaterMeter Hardware v4.3.3, v4.3.4, v4.3.5, v4.3.6

    Brian, Are the clear cases going to be on your site for purchase?
  18. G

    New Build LCD Display Issue

    I did the exact same thing on my build back when. I replaced the lcd driver chip, IC3, on the pushbutton board and I was off to the races. I suspect yours is damaged.
  19. G

    Battery Setup questions.

    I use a battery to power my heatermeter. Just like the dc source without any noise or ripple or harmonics you get from switching power sources. This is my battery setup. I use the Cabelas battery and I have a Battery Tender charger for my charger. This like is a good price for battery and...
  20. G

    Thermocouple Noise When Using 2.4G Wifi

    Brian, Have you looked at the OKI-78sr as the source of noise. I say that because last summer when I was looking at the possible source of noise I saw in the data sheet that this regulator was a true switching device. I started looking at other 78series devices to see if I could find a...

