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  1. Jeremy Calow

    Smoked Hot Links

    Two for two man! great work Cliff!! Do you deliver ;) i could really go for a bundle of these
  2. Jeremy Calow

    Outside Skirt Steak Tacos

    Oh that looks soo good.. I'm a bit late to the commenting party here (hiding from the internet this weekend).... And I immediately am disappointed I did.
  3. Jeremy Calow

    Korean Beef Ribs

    Good grief that looks fantastic. Curses you are making me hungry...
  4. Jeremy Calow

    First Ever BBQ Pork Belly

    Agreed that the recipes do sound more complicated than they should. And that was a darn fine looking belly, so I agree... find another one ;) hehe
  5. Jeremy Calow

    Rolled Flank Steak on the Gasser

    Fantastic Rich! Thats one fine lookin meal. How did you find the bacon, did it tighten up enough or was it still quite chewy?
  6. Jeremy Calow

    Dutch Baby

    That looks great Robert, and one of those things that I have had issue after issue with. I am glad to see it can actually work as compared to a clumpy mess that I have managed to create.
  7. Jeremy Calow

    TVWB 20th Anniversary Celebration Cake

    Fantastic cake and the milestone is a testament to the quality of the community you've invested in Chris!
  8. Jeremy Calow

    Celebratory Shin-diggery at the Calow House

    Thanks everyone, it did go off great! Cliff - the salad was from and for my brother in laws gf who is a "slight vegetarian", which usually means in my place you will have a bit fewer options. Arguably that was a nice clean refreshing flavour which worked really great with the rich fatty pork...
  9. Jeremy Calow

    First Ever BBQ Pork Belly

    That is a fine looking porchetta styled roast. I have done this with fennel, orange and onion layered inside the rolls, and that worked out great but that looks even better. Well done!
  10. Jeremy Calow

    Celebratory Shin-diggery at the Calow House

    Thanks Len I totally agree, I do usually like a planned rub etc, but this worked out nicely!
  11. Jeremy Calow

    Celebratory Shin-diggery at the Calow House

    Thanks Clint, this was only a "half butt" being 5 lbs or so. Not sure if you have the same issue at same size. It started falling apart when I grabbed it to pull off so it was as done as I needed in the end.
  12. Jeremy Calow


    That is stunning.. I gotta step my game up, cause that just looks epic!
  13. Jeremy Calow

    Celebratory Shin-diggery at the Calow House

    So this year due to scheduling travel and other impacts, my brother in laws birthday and my anniversary are going to be missed from a gathering perspective. As such I suggested we shuffle some dates around and have it this weekend instead of later in the month. Started off preparations last...
  14. Jeremy Calow


    You say snack, I say meal... either way it looks good to me!
  15. Jeremy Calow

    Carne Arranchera for a warm summer evening.

    Amazing looking cook Robert, not super keen about the temps (obviously), but the food makes up for it!
  16. Jeremy Calow

    First Cook on my 18.5" WSM

    Looks like your first cook was knocked out of the park! The 18.5 is a great size I feel
  17. Jeremy Calow

    Kettle Butt 2 Pernil

    Drooool, those sandwiches look amazing... wow great cook!
  18. Jeremy Calow

    Happy 4th Everyone

    Oh my good golly that is fantastic. I think a trip to Colorado is in the future ;). Well done sir that M1 seems to be singing for you thats for sure
  19. Jeremy Calow

    Hot Summer Steak Night Dinner

    Oh man, the steaks look great, but that potato.. holy man, I have a hankering for one of those now.
  20. Jeremy Calow

    Rotisserie Chicken Legs and Wings

    Those do look nice and juicy, agree with Rich that is a great looking plate of food!

