Search results

  1. D

    Heat diffuser for stove

    On a family trip to Quebec when I was a kid (early 60's) we stopped in a town called Asbestos, Quebec which was an open pit mining town. Brought a big chuck of this green fibrous material home that I took to school for show and tell. I remember all of us peeling strands of fibers off the...
  2. D

    2010 Genesis EP 310 proven quality.

    Keep a close eye on the frame tubes where the casters press in as well. Others have posted horror photos of what happens when rust takes hold in them. Since they are integral parts of the side frames, it can be the kiss of death for the cabinet.
  3. D

    2010 Genesis EP 310 proven quality.

    Papa D: You chose right! I've got a 2007 in use weekly and our son has a 2008. Only thing ever replaced has been the push button ignitor button which I broke pushing too hard. I did upgrade some parts by adding the side burner for NG added a blue lid and got ss grates when the CI coated...
  4. D

    The forgotten Weber Flame 27000 Fireplace/Fire Pit

    2007 model had a separate ignitor with a metal gas accumulation box. 2008-2010 has the igniter attached to the front burner.
  5. D

    What's the price of gas where you live?

    Yesterday at Sams Club here it was back up to $4.70 a gallon for regular. Lowest we've gotten in 2022 is $4.38 at Sams.
  6. D

    Roadside find - Genesis E320 -2009 sidewinder

    Looks like the grease tray is missing that holds the disposable trays. I had one corrode from a leaking tray and found a replacement on Amazon. Pick that up along with flavorizor bars and it's good to go. Separate project is to arrest the rust around the wheel tubes and bottom tray. A...
  7. D

    Problem with my Thermopen Classic

    I've got a lot of money tied up with Thermoworks too. So far my MK4 hasn't needed a battery change. I could see shipping charge to get it back to you, but certainly not $35!
  8. D

    Roadside find - Genesis E320 -2009 sidewinder

    No hole in the side frame either besides no hole in the bottom. No tank scale either.
  9. D

    Genesis E0320 Parts

    I added a sideburner to my 310 making it into a 320 a few years back. At the time the seller furnished the corregated metal line with the burner. I added several fittings picked up locally so I didn't have to drill and tap the manifold. Works like a champ.
  10. D

    What's the price of gas where you live?

    Fueled up at Sam's Club yesterday. Price holding at $4.49 for the last week or so.
  11. D

    Weber 5000 in Bainbridge, NY

    My guess is that it may be heading to the curb or dumpster for trash pickup. A shame if that happens.
  12. D

    Big Change(s) at Weber - From sizzle to fizzle

    I saw the announcement this morning on MarketWatch. A few years back I even bought a spare 2007 Genesis just to have the parts in the future after checking our the new Weber grills. Tinny Chinese imports with the big prices for the Weber nameplate. With any luck my Genesis my son's Genesis...
  13. D

    Vintage Weber charcoal bin

    Somewhere between 1980-1985 Got one originally to go with my Weber kettle complete with the two legged side table.
  14. D

    It's never too hot to cook outside

    I agree, but cooking times shorten since there is a lot less heat loss in the grill! Not as hot as AZ, but shade is a must for the human operator.
  15. D

    S-320 tank blocker

    E310 12" horizontal to 90 16" to the cabinet base
  16. D

    S-320 tank blocker

    Dave G: Do you have the dimensions on your existing part? Length from side of cabinet to the 90 degree turn also the height from the 90 degree turn to the top of the base. It looks just like the part in the Genesis 2007-2009 E-310 I'll measure my 310 which is now a 320
  17. D

    Is It Safe to Use Corningware French White Bakeware (Casserole Dish) on our Gas Grill?

    Ours is all circa 1960's Our corningware is from the 70's when I entered the world of Amana Radar range cooking. Thing was built like a tank!
  18. D

    Is It Safe to Use Corningware French White Bakeware (Casserole Dish) on our Gas Grill?

    we use a pyrex load pan for meatloaf all the time on the Genesis E-320. Center burner off for the duration using the grill like an oven. Never had an issue with any of our Corningware either, but no direct flame or temp extremes. Yes it does shatter on impact especially our 40 year old stuff.
  19. D

    Genesis E320- Crossover tube not sending gas to middle tube quickly

    I get the same results as DanHoo with my 320 running NG. Like yours, middle burner is slow to light, always has been. I always light front, rear, then center with no issues.
  20. D

    What's the price of gas where you live?

    Wow! Another big price drop to $5.09 at Sam's Club. Got fuel this morning with very short lines to avoid the holiday weekend theatrics. Saved an extra 14 cents.

