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  1. Joe Anshien

    Jerky Slicer (Small)

    I thought the same but after looking it up the thing gets great reviews and is quite popular. I think it could have merit, especially if you want to maybe mix some cuts of different meats.
  2. Joe Anshien

    I will just leave this here

    Mine had the side pieces. They kept it nice and flat. Without it they bowed.
  3. Joe Anshien

    Home built stainless grates

    Wow - Amazing job and really nice welding setup! If you don't mind, what was the cost of materials for future reference? Thanks
  4. Joe Anshien

    Genesis 4/5 Restore

    I can understand that, but after trying it, and having to hold that stupid button in until the thermocouple decided it was hot enough, I decide Weber was right and pulled the guts out of the switch. I don't think anyone that buys this from you will want the headache and you may get a call back...
  5. Joe Anshien

    Genesis 4/5 Restore

    Those thermocouples are a PITA in IMHO. The break on everything, gas fireplaces, patio heaters, indoor propane heaters, and of course grills. I have had to disable them on so many devices to get them to work again. Yes you can replace them, but they are just going to fail in a year or so...
  6. Joe Anshien

    Genesis 4/5 Restore

    These grills are touch of mid century beauty. If you find my Genesis 5 rebuild thread I documented a way to bypass the switch while leaving it in place. Just no need for the rock;-)
  7. Joe Anshien

    Char-Broil Kettleman @ Menards.

    26" is a large for that price. I watched the vid and it was funny how much smoke was leaking when he closed the vent. Did not see any bottom vent control. If I see one in person I will have to investigate more. I do like the hinged lid.
  8. Joe Anshien

    Weber Genesis Platinum, I bought in Wausau,Wisconsin. Will be drastically modified.

    Really wonderful job but I personally miss the doors.
  9. Joe Anshien

    Lets see your turkey fryers.

    I started out frying turkeys (fun and delicious) but after doing a few I found it kind of silly for me to spend about $40 frying a $10 turkey and having all that left over oil. Then I went with the Big Easy Oilless Fryer for about 8 years and they were great. Went with a Runco Rotisserie...
  10. Joe Anshien

    I will just leave this here

    I had one that someone painted like that. It was hard to tell it was painted at first. When I finally figured it out, I spent about 2 hours with a razor blade cleaning it off. It actually looked pretty nice and could never figured out why.
  11. Joe Anshien

    I will just leave this here $30
  12. Joe Anshien

    I will just leave this here $20
  13. Joe Anshien

    Is this Alfresco 30" Grill worth it for a flip?

    The Alfresco is sold and gone. $1K. I am very happy:)
  14. Joe Anshien

    New The Huntsman Kettle Kamado Grill from Spider coming.

    What do you think about this method of cooking a turkey? I have always had a drip pan under the grates never in the pan.
  15. Joe Anshien

    Is this Alfresco 30" Grill worth it for a flip?

    A gas grill is a gas grill. There really is almost no difference in how they work, only what they are made of and a few buttons and whistles they have. I have been studying up on charcoal and wood grills and smokers and it is really way more interesting and fun in how many more designs there are.
  16. Joe Anshien

    Jerky Slicer (Small)

    Found it - Looks cool.
  17. Joe Anshien

    Is this Alfresco 30" Grill worth it for a flip?

    Got to get all the info before the offer:ROFLMAO:
  18. Joe Anshien

    Jerky Slicer (Small)

    Sounds interesting. Please post pics the next time you do it!
  19. Joe Anshien

    Jerky Slicer (Small)

    That is no fun;-) I love gadgetry, especially if they work.
  20. Joe Anshien

    Is this Alfresco 30" Grill worth it for a flip?

    Also the "life time" warranty's on these are pretty much BS without the original receipt, even with it the company's will make it almost impossible to use. After market parts are your friend. Measure and be creative. Try to have the original parts for measurements.

