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  1. JKim in MA

    In praise of parts grills

    Katherine, The end pieces are often removed "violently" as they are completely frozen to the frame pieces. If it's a somewhat desirable end piece, then i will cut the frame to get at it. As for the right side table, I ended up fixing up that Gold C, so it's not available. I have a...
  2. JKim in MA

    Almost finished fixing up a platinum-c genesis (2000?) you will let me have them for the cost of shipping? If so, i will PM you.
  3. JKim in MA

    Almost finished fixing up a platinum-c genesis (2000?)

    What are you going to do with the leftover Durawood slats? :)
  4. JKim in MA

    Rotisserie question for the 1000

    yes, there are holes for bracket on the firebox.
  5. JKim in MA

    Side Burner For Genesis 3000 NEEDED

    Perhaps a forum member in the Dallas area would be willing to pick this one up and ship it to you?
  6. JKim in MA

    Parts for a Genesis E320 available

    Let's see if this loads... I believe the "plate" was custom made by SpitfireGrilling, a seller on Etsy.
  7. JKim in MA

    Parts for a Genesis E320 available

    Bruce, some enterprising individuals have installed that side burner on first gen Performers on the other site. You might want to try there.
  8. JKim in MA

    I will just leave this here

    Jon is correct. There's also a Spirit 2-burner version that has a similar control panel. Also, there are no swing shelves on the Spirits of this vintage. They did also make one with a side burner on the left hand side in lieu of the work table, that one is somewhat interesting.
  9. JKim in MA

    Genesis 1000: How to remove/replace rusted bottom tray rail screws in firebox

    Can you borrow a handheld torch from someone? Preferably a mapp gas one. Heat around the screws, not the screws themselves. heat + vice grips.
  10. JKim in MA

    Prime rehabbers weekend

    I've done that before, but I believe they are all $5 from Weber. If I happen to buy them new, might as well buy the right one.
  11. JKim in MA

    Prime rehabbers weekend

    oh wow... I've never seen an '05 C with black knobs.. i'd love to find the part number for that side burner knob.
  12. JKim in MA

    Prime rehabbers weekend

    Here's one that I picked up for free earlier this week: The cross piece on the frame is the worst one I've ever seen (and I've picked up dozens over the last two years): I was going to part it out, but I was able to find a used 60145 weber rack locally for a good price. I have the parts...
  13. JKim in MA

    Sigh... no one bought the redhead Genesis 3 on the local I bought it :P

    It was in Somerville. I have it in pieces at the moment. I'm eventually going to rebuild it using frame pieces from a later grill.
  14. JKim in MA

    2001 Genesis Gold C

    My experience with google photo links have been spotty with forums that require a .jpg extension for images when embedding links. I've since switched to (not
  15. JKim in MA

    2001 Genesis Gold C

    That looks to be a solid buy, BobJ. BTW, the picture showed up for the first time I viewed this thread, but it no longer shows up. Also, I don't think that grill cover will fit yours. I have owned a couple of them for an 80s Genesis 2 and a 2004 Gold B, and it was a relative tight fit for both.
  16. JKim in MA

    Grandfathers 1988 Redhead Restored

    A brother from another mother! ;)
  17. JKim in MA

    Burner air adjustment

    There's one adjustment screw per burner, located near the spider screen. If you have the older burners, you'd have to remove the plastic spider screen first to see it. I usually go for a flame height of 1-1.5" - the flame should be blue with an occasional orange tip...
  18. JKim in MA

    Genesis redhead in AZ

    That's a solid buy for $25. I'm sure you can find someone here with a propane manifold. Technically, you should also grab the tank bracket if you would like to hang the propane tank on the grill, but you don't have to hang it.
  19. JKim in MA

    Genesis silver A not getting up to temp

    That is a telltale sign of a bad regulator and is a 2 minute repair. I'd try that first.
  20. JKim in MA

    Finally pics of my Genesis Silver C

    It looks nice, I always liked the big round knobs from 2004+. I just found the part number for the side burner yesterday too, I might buy some the next time I have to place an order with Weber.

