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  1. Larry Naylor

    Newbie setup....

    I know what your going through i'm new to using the heatermeter and rd3, but what they say above you have to fish around on the various posts to find the info to make it all come together. Mounting it to your smoker was the hardest pat for me, but reading some of the posts pointed me in the...
  2. Larry Naylor

    HeaterMeter and RD3 build review

    Matt The prob issue was that food probe 1 measured 185 degrees room temp. After working with Bryan and Ralph, they had me check voltages and resistance, the problem was corrected by resetting the eeprom and reflashing the AVC. Knew nothing about this stuff but these 2 helped me correct a minor...
  3. Larry Naylor

    Heater Meter Servo Sticks

    Patrick I'm not an expert on electronics ,but i do have some knowledge on servos,I fly large rc airplanes and the servos i use cost $50 and up the mg90 i have for the RD3 i got 5 for $16. So this could be a case of you get what you pay for. The one i'm using is ok (lot of slop in the gear...
  4. Larry Naylor

    HeaterMeter and RD3 build review

    Martin Did 2 smokes with the HM and i have been impresses with it i managed a work around on the second one do to the slight problem. I've read a lot of posts on the HM and RD3 here even managed to absorb some of the language used here. My electronic experience is with those glass tubes the...
  5. Larry Naylor

    New HM 4.3 Build - Wonky Pit Probe Port Issue

    If i can reflash the AVR and reset the eeprom think i can un-retire and work for microsoft? Haha. Thanks to both of you once again. tried to make a post on a review but don't know where it went. You 2 have great products and highly recommend them as a fun diy project thanks again.
  6. Larry Naylor

    HeaterMeter and RD3 build review

    Recently I had bought a new grill and was looking for some way to monitor it during a 10 to 12 hour smoke. I found the HeaterMeter on line and did a lot of research on it a few emails and i had a pretty red case and a bunch of parts. I think you can get it pre assembled but i like building...
  7. Larry Naylor

    New HM 4.3 Build - Wonky Pit Probe Port Issue

    Bryan Did all your resistance readings and was with in 10%. So i flashed the avr and nothing changed. Then i tried resetting the eeprom and BINGO. Problem solved. The only excitement i had was the thermocouple was reading a high room temp till i looked at the config and when i changed the eeprom...
  8. Larry Naylor

    New HM 4.3 Build - Wonky Pit Probe Port Issue

    Don't know what that means { have to confess i have gray hair,and not the most computer savvy). Does that mean pull the sd card reformat to clear it then download the heater meter software then reinstall? That's a lot of thens in one sentence. Before i forget again i want to thank you for the...
  9. Larry Naylor

    New HM 4.3 Build - Wonky Pit Probe Port Issue

    Scrubbed with the alcohol no change still reads 185 food probe 1
  10. Larry Naylor

    New HM 4.3 Build - Wonky Pit Probe Port Issue

    I'll scrub with alcohol again. Measured the voltage on the leads on the ATMega all 3 of them that are for the probs i think they are 17,26,25 all of them had the same voltage. Thanks for the schematic.
  11. Larry Naylor

    New HM 4.3 Build - Wonky Pit Probe Port Issue

    First smoke i used the HM only with no cat5 cable attached. Just the thermocouple for the pit temp and food 1 for the meat thermocouple and food 1 worked great. After finally getting a servo i assembled the rd3 and cabling. went to do a second smoke last week and noticed the food probe 1 was...
  12. Larry Naylor

    New HM 4.3 Build - Wonky Pit Probe Port Issue

    JUst measured the pins on the jacks and are not bridged together. Every probe i plug into jack 1 reads 185 degrees. The voltage on the tip of the probes read 2.95 plugged in on all 3 jacks. Could the atmega chip be getting a little flaky? I even measured the voltage on the chip legs to make sure...
  13. Larry Naylor

    New HM 4.3 Build - Wonky Pit Probe Port Issue

    Ok here's what i have, put hm together several weeks ago without rd3 and cabling. Used it for a cook as a thermometer only and probe 1 work fine. Then last week i put rd3 together and connected it with a cable. Servo and blower worked fine. Then did a pork butt and plugged probe 1 into the butt...
  14. Larry Naylor

    New HM 4.3 Build - Wonky Pit Probe Port Issue

    Ralph Ok tried a different pwr supply same results.this is what i have input voltage 12.06 the pads on the board above the probe jacks 1=grd 2=3.280 3=3.231 4=3.276 5=3.2766=3.276 I have 3.276 at the jacks, with probe in it dropped to 2.952 on all 3.on the atmega238p i have 3.199 on pin 28...
  15. Larry Naylor

    New HM 4.3 Build - Wonky Pit Probe Port Issue

    It had crossed my mind will try tomorrow
  16. Larry Naylor

    New HM 4.3 Build - Wonky Pit Probe Port Issue

    When the voltages are checked the RD3 is not connected
  17. Larry Naylor

    New HM 4.3 Build - Wonky Pit Probe Port Issue

    The probes are connected to the heatermeter , and the rd3 is connected to the HM with a cable.. Forgot to mention that the probe 1 voltage is the same as probe 2 &3.
  18. Larry Naylor

    New HM 4.3 Build - Wonky Pit Probe Port Issue

    Don't know if this is the right place ( i'm new at this ) But i have a probe issue. Have a heatermeter 4.3 with a thermal couple and 3 thermoworks pro probes.2 weeks ago i did a cook using this as just a thermometer and all went well. Last night i did a 10 hour butt smoke using the rd3 with...

