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  1. G

    Probe not displaying on webui

    You probably turned it off accidentally. The little colored box next to the probe name is a hot button that toggles the probe display on and off. Click it and see if it shows up. FYI, there are several such areas in the web UI, see
  2. G

    Brand New Damper Design - "The Micro Damper"

    I can print it for you if you let me know what options you want. I am hobbiest so I will only charge for materials and shipping.
  3. G

    Post your live HeaterMeter Cooks

    Doing some babybacks on the WSM 18.5. Airburner with adapt-a-damper. P2.5, I0.0035, D2.2 max 30 Done. Servo kept getting stuck, so there were control issues. Just ordered a new one from Vorpal.
  4. G

    Airburner - HeaterMeter Success!

    Remember reading your original post, what a great idea. Thanks for sharing.
  5. G

    Airburner - HeaterMeter Success!

    I have been putting off the airburner project for a long time, but this post inspired me to complete it. I have to say that it makes all the difference on my WSM 18.5. I have always struggled with the cooling affect of the blower causing dips on stoking, and required careful setting of the...
  6. G

    The Adapt-a-Damper - Open Source Project

    Is there a version of screw top with two holes for the sg90 servo?

