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  1. R

    Good bbq physics read

    Take a look here, Dr Blonder is a contributor to amazing ribs and has lots of good info.
  2. R

    Similar to HeaterMeter

    With pellet, you don't need PID, it already has it. I initially used my heatermeter just to monitor.
  3. R

    New Thermoworks probe versions

    Looks like Thermoworks updated their probes
  4. R

    Touch screen via HDMI?

    Possible, yes but it would require a lot more resources, RPI is CLI only as it stands, there is no GUI.
  5. R

    Heatmeter for pellet wood smoker

    I'd love to see a HM controlled pellet assembly. There's a kit to pellet fire a WSM that looks cool, I'm just spoiled by the HM.
  6. R

    PitDroid: An Android app for your HeaterMeter

    I use the external IP in Pitdroid and it connects fine when I'm on Wifi on the same network as HM or on LTE. I guess my router is is doing the translation even though it's a hairpin.
  7. R

    Chef alarm probes half off

    Anyone using these with 22k resistors? If so, how do they do?
  8. R

    The Development Log

    Most excellent Bryan. Wyld sta.... nevermind. So the setpoint ans a percentage will even work with the 10 second Pulse timer? I'm guessing that really the granularity is only 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, etc.... Thanks again, I'll play with that and the alarms(which I haven't touched) this weekend...
  9. R

    The Development Log

    I run electric which very few do so these may not make sense for anyone else but A couple of things I'd like to see are: 1) A pid override for a constant percentage setting. I'd like to be able to temporarily manually set output at say 32% and have it stay there until I put it back on auto. 2)...
  10. R

    HM webpage not found

    What is the address of the PC? What address are you trying for the HM? Can you ping the HM?
  11. R

    How do I edit the main Heatermeter display page

    Thanks, read through that this AM but totally missed the end with the P keystroke. Thanks again.
  12. R

    How do I edit the main Heatermeter display page

    You would need to reinstall the image on the SD card.
  13. R

    How do I edit the main Heatermeter display page

    There was a way to enable real time PID values but I can't seem to remember or be able to find it with search. Anyone remember how to make them display on the status page?
  14. R

    HM case ideas

    I had Matt Miller do a case for me and bolted it to a double gang outdoor box which holds the power supply
  15. R

    LinkMeter v11 and firmware

    Thanks Bryan. I'm happy with it as is. At the end of the day, squiggly line or straight it maintains temperature which is all I need. I just thought I'd run it by you guys to see if either there was something wrong with my HM or this was unwanted behavior of the firmware. I know you added...
  16. R

    LinkMeter v11 and firmware

    So my theory about the element introducing the noise was wrong. Look at 7:27, that is when I upgraded from v10 to v11 firmware on the HM and as you can see, blower is off. I'm sure the noise was always there but now it's just more evident. Bryan, do you think from this there is something...
  17. R

    LinkMeter v11 and firmware

    Since I'm driving an element with a SSR, I set the fan output to: Fan output(Pulse) min 100% max 95% Invert output(no) On at max only(no)
  18. R

    LinkMeter v11 and firmware

    I downgraded the AVR firmware to v10 at 20:07. it brought the blower output to 0 for a few minutes.
  19. R

    LinkMeter v11 and firmware

    Here is what it looks like now.
  20. R

    LinkMeter v11 and firmware

    Ok, figured it out, it is noise generated by the current through the SSD. I can generate the noise by turning on the element(my smoker is electric...)

