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  1. G

    Thinning my collection

    I guess I came to the decision to thin out my weber collection. A real hard decision but it is just ridiculous for things to just take up space. Anyone else go through this heart wrenching decision ?
  2. G

    Got my first Q....

    Love my q220. Red of course. But what's with no used q100s ? I need a small one and around here the prices asked are just to high.
  3. G

    Only One Handle on new Original Premium Kettles

    Not sure they have had two for a long time. Not sure there is a real need for two by most users. If you put a table one one, doesn't it eventually bend ?
  4. G

    Did somebody say McRib?

    Yea, to far away. Oh well, hadn't been to a McD's in almost a year.
  5. G

    Giving my grills a rest

    No one have tarps to cover their grills ? Bob, good to read that yer good now.
  6. G

    Did somebody say McRib?

    For the first time I didn't see it here. Was looking forward to it.
  7. G

    Random thoughts/Off topic/Last post wins

    Try going in an elevator with a wheelchair. I literally have to direct traffic.
  8. G

    Prices on Weber kettles going up 1/1/19

    I have 24. Granted half are go anywhere models. 7 kettles and various gas and bullet smokers. Also Smokey joes.
  9. G

    Prices on Weber kettles going up 1/1/19

    They don't seem to sell many anyway. People look at the prices and walk away as it is. I see it constantly. Luckily I have no need for a new weber.
  10. G

    Smoking pulled pork after it's cooked?

    Liquid smoke. But be really carefully how much you use ! Kalua pork is made in the oven with liq smoke. How most made it in hawaii.
  11. G

    Taking your food processor apart

    You must be missing something, duh, because that should be rather intuitive. Does the top cover come off at all ?
  12. G

    Replacement regulator for Baby Q (Q100)

    Does it leak ? Use a green bottle to test. Otherwise, make sure the inlet Schrader valve is good. Also check the outlet port to make sure it is not plugged up. Have found all three to be issues.
  13. G

    Test your logic.

    That's why I failed a lot of tests in school and have not taken tests since the 70s. The tests did not involve anything that I was good at.
  14. G

    Is anyone else just about done with meathead?

    I have tried a few things here and there. Once I got the general idea of smoking and grilling, I went on my own. Don't care what anyone says is right or wrong.
  15. G

    Something new is coming to the Weber Grills product line

    I have noticed, at least at lowes, that folks see the price and walk away. average folks know little about weber or they just can't stomach the price any longer.
  16. G

    Did somebody say McRib?

    not at our mcdonalds yet. I always have one just for giggles.
  17. G


    I can't fall asleep for nothing. Doc has me taking Xanax and it works for me. I would never take anything unless my doc gives the ok.
  18. G

    Cleaning Clear Gloss High Temperature Paint

    Well, I guess it's junk pc cuz I have seen others and no way is that pc. I have seen real pc and the weber stuff is not it on the q's. Way to many issues for it to be. Plus folks are removing it to easily to be pc. And again, if it is pc then it is total junk.
  19. G

    If I was king (I mean a Weber design engineer)

    Yea, sometimes simple things are either missed or ignored. Why they put design over function is something you see more and more.

