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  1. G

    My first Smokey Joe and I have a question...

    Yea, I think I remember that. I tried it but kinda binged up the can so just stayed with my drilled holes. Either way will get the job done.
  2. G

    German or european gas go anywhere owners help.

    Posted the pic. I think the gas ga is just fine for general cooking. In fire prone areas it is a must. I have used mine for simple stuff and was not disappointed. One thing to note is that the area furthest from the regulator is a bit hotter. No problem if you pay attention and rotate the food...
  3. G

    German or european gas go anywhere owners help.

    Ok, here is a pic of the so called finished piece. It's not very refined but basically a proof of concept. After doing this, I think for my purposes, I will redesign it to be much simpler and easier to install but still accomplish what I need it to do.
  4. G

    German or european gas go anywhere owners help.

    Ok, no responses so I did my own guessing and made a plate or baffle from a piece of metal from an old computer. Made a cardboard template and then cut it out. A but hard as I had no proper metal working tools except a dremel. Anyway I got it done and installed today and tested it. I think it...
  5. G

    Interesting go anywhere stuff

    I had not seen or heard of that mod but it's certainly a way to do it. Two holes will need to be made. One to hold the closed end of the tube and a bigger one for the tube itself. Well, I certainly may do that for fun but I have more gas bodies than any charcoal bodies I would be willing to...
  6. G

    My first Smokey Joe and I have a question...

    Yea, the ga is more adapt at changes. But until one can get a riser in the usa to make it reasonably priced to make it work, one is going to have to use a tamale pot to get the joe to be a smoker. One of the the pics and possibly old discussion that was lost or just old was my fix for the ash...
  7. G

    Interesting go anywhere stuff

    Indirect cooking on a gasser
  8. G

    Interesting go anywhere stuff

    Ok, using a gasser as a charcoal grill
  9. G

    A frustrated mind wanders

    The gga air hole is rectangular, no screen. Thus my wondering why it's not protected. I plan later to find or make plugs for mine which covers the air inlet and the gas regulator inlet. I guess they felt there was no need due to the regulator being removed. Enter shrug here. As to the holes in...
  10. G

    My first Smokey Joe and I have a question...

    Yea, sadly, many pics of mini smokers being made are lost due to photobuckets shinanigans.
  11. G

    Interesting go anywhere stuff

    This post is to appologize to zifa. A few moments ago I found that my post to them did not go through. Not sure why but I cant expect them to reply if they didn't get it. So sorry zifa.
  12. G

    A frustrated mind wanders

    Ok, as I'm cleaning up a few grills,, one of them being an old ga gasser, I was looking at the burner tube. Figuring how much room I have to put a baffle plate under it. At some point, I know I have noticed it before but so long ago I forgot. I noticed that the gga tube has no screen on the air...
  13. G

    My first Smokey Joe and I have a question...

    Just get stainless steel hardware. All my grills get ss hardware. No more rust except for the weber junk.
  14. G

    German or european gas go anywhere owners help.

    Appologies but I need to know that baffle or plat is made of. Thank you, george
  15. G

    German or european gas go anywhere owners help.

    One of the issues of the american gas go anywhere is under certain conditions, there is the possibility of flame blowout. A lot of years back I was working on this issue and then had to attend to other things. During this process I was thinking of a baffle plate under the burner tube and the...
  16. G

    Interesting go anywhere stuff

    Ok, I will do. Unfortunately I have some medical issue come up so will have to delay the purchase. Shouldn't be anything to critical according to the doc, in office visits but needs to be attended to. So till I feel good about my situation, I'm delaying everything. Thanks for all the help...
  17. G

    My first Kettle/table rescue

    Looks like a proper rescue ! Now to show some cooks on it.
  18. G

    Interesting go anywhere stuff

    Well, if I can get to them I would order it. That's an acceptable price to me. Or do I just go and order it online ?
  19. G

    Interesting go anywhere stuff

    Yea, just wanted to know the price for their basic riser and shipping to calif. Nothing special. No response. So I will try again. How did you pay them ?
  20. G

    New Q1200 what to do after each cook?

    I tried all sorts of things on my red q220. I came down to basically one thing that works. A stainless steel brushed painters brush. I clean my grate the next day after grilling and after cleaning it I spray it with pam. Then before grilling again, I wipe the grates clean with paper towel...

