Search results

  1. Bryan Mayland

    HM 4.3 With Oscillating Thermocouple Temperatures Over a 30F Range

    Wow that is a new one for me, I'm going to have to try the Ethernet on one of my test rigs here to see the results for myself. That's pretty crazy that wired ethernet would cause an issue. That would sound like it is messing up the actual power on the board and not just a wireless energy...
  2. Bryan Mayland

    So I messed up and accidentally ordered a 4.2 board and case...

    I suppose if you have some 30AWG wires, you could solder the button to the pads on the 4.2 PCB and then glue down the button or something. The added height might not let it work with the case though. I'm afraid there isn't an easy solution.
  3. Bryan Mayland

    Thermocouple Noise When Using 2.4G Wifi

    I've found that manually adding a line to the rc.local isn't necessary because the "Transmit Power" option actually works: Just change the transmit power and "Save & Apply". Switching to 10dBm brought my noise down to at most 2-LSB from as much as 15-LSB in client mode. Before: After...
  4. Bryan Mayland

    HM 4.3 With Oscillating Thermocouple Temperatures Over a 30F Range

    I'd say check things in the Probe Noise thread, or also it could be related to wifi as in this thread.
  5. Bryan Mayland

    4.3 Case Not Closing

    Looking at the LCD, it needs to go underneath the grab notch on the top side of the case. Looks like you're trying to crush the electronics to fit outside the notch. It is helpful to first insert just the LCD PCB assembly under the grab notch, and push it down flat so that the LEDs go into their...
  6. Bryan Mayland

    MJ-2508N probe connectors are now $5+!!!

    And AD8495 Thermocouple amps are now $6.50 each (up from $4.50) and expected in stock... January 2022. So if anyone wants a thermocouple HeaterMeter better order soon because I only have about 30 left and that's going to be it until next year. EDIT: And the 5V regulator is out of stock until...
  7. Bryan Mayland

    How to put more than 1 wire (and a capacitor) in a keystone jack (adapt-a-damper)

    The humming noise is usually more the servo binding than it is needing a capacitor. The capacitor is needed if the servo seems to freak out and just move on its own to an uncommanded position and then quickly flip back to where it is supposed to be. I have a hard time punching down the wires...
  8. Bryan Mayland

    Inductor Question

    Yes it is the correct inductor. The value is written in component notation, which is the first two numbers are the value and the third number is the number of zeroes. So 22 + 1x0 = 220uF. The K suffix indicates some other property but it isn't standard across components. Another example is how...
  9. Bryan Mayland

    The Adapt-a-Damper - Open Source Project

    For those stumbling across this at a later date, the wiring colors are in the wiki
  10. Bryan Mayland

    MJ-2508N probe connectors are now $5+!!!

    (gasp) well that really stinks because I am on my last hundred or two. Nice that Mouser has two whole bags on order. I usually buy two whole bags myself! That's really going to put an end to HeaterMeters until I find a new part and redesign the PCB (and all my existing PCBs will be garbage)...
  11. Bryan Mayland

    Probe noise

    Maybe? I'm really not sure where it comes from to begin with. I can reproduce it in my kitchen if the probe sheath touches the metal of my toaster oven despite my probe being isolated (no continuity from the sheath to either of the thermocouple pins). That system works perfectly with no noise at...
  12. Bryan Mayland

    Thermocouple Noise When Using 2.4G Wifi

    EDIT: Don't do this. You can just change the wifi power in Network -> Wireless -> Edit (Wireless Overview section) -> Transmit Power. You can add the line to System -> Startup -> "Local Startup" box like so (just be sure to put it BEFORE exit 0) As for adding a second wifi adapter and...
  13. Bryan Mayland

    Probe noise

    Yeah that looks perfect! Oh boy Beef Ribs too, been years since I made those. Hope they turned out delicious.
  14. Bryan Mayland

    Servo troubleshoot

    Oh I see that now. Good idea!
  15. Bryan Mayland

    Servo troubleshoot

    I just tin the ends of the wire before I punch them down which gives more of a solid wire and more diameter for them to grab onto. That's not good practice but also we're running analog and power through an ethernet jack so who is to say what is right? I've had trouble with the capacitor jammed...
  16. Bryan Mayland

    Thermocouple Noise When Using 2.4G Wifi

    This is still a problem obviously, but I've been doing some more research in ways to try to reduce wifi noise coming in on HeaterMeter from Pi3B+. I I recently came across the Pi3B+ FCC filing where it shows that the wifi emissions there were measured at 138mW and the PiZeroW which claims just...
  17. Bryan Mayland

    Servo troubleshoot

    Well the soldering looks nice, but I'm not sure what you can test without a multimeter. If you're using a keystone jack to connect the servo, I'd say the problem is most likely in the punchdown on the keystone given how nice your soldering looks.
  18. Bryan Mayland

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    And the decimal points are even in the right place? I'm shocked I didn't have to update the code to fix it. Did you order from aliexpress? The larger decimal units there were cheap (~$1.50 each) but the shipping charged was per-unit and $3-4, making a set of four come in at $20 instead of the...
  19. Bryan Mayland

    Probe noise

    It is not supposed to be a sine wave, but that's what you get when there is power line noise getting into the system. What you should see is more like this How to get rid of it is sort of a mystery, because the frequency is too low for hardware filtering to be effective. Trying different...
  20. Bryan Mayland

    Gmail help

    You'll need to set up the "SMTP Client" through the link that's on that page. There's a default one filled in, but Amazon hosting started blocking the messages going out so that no longer works. There's information about how to set up gmail SMTP here, but I seem to remember there being more to...

