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  1. J

    Version 2 of my homebrew controller

    It appears to be something with v69. I rolled back to 62 and now i've got a reading :-)
  2. J

    Version 2 of my homebrew controller

    Well darn it. Got the new POT and had stable +5v on all rails. +5v coming out of arduino and +4.4v coming from my pit probe. Tried powering up with the buttons grounded (ie a0 to GND) but I get the same thing. Hmmm.... I've got wireless commented out. The INSTANT I plug it in I get the -...
  3. J

    Version 2 of my homebrew controller

    Thx. I will re-check tonight after I procure the correct POT. I believe my faulty POT is having an effect on the entire system though - it appears its dragging Vcc slowly down from +5v. I isolated the 4 different circuits and I had a consistent Vcc with buttons, probes, and blower but not...
  4. J

    Version 2 of my homebrew controller

    I was too anxious and found time to give it a go yesterday. I'm working with all maverick probes and even though I have the ambient temp thermister I've grounded the input. I've also grounded the input for food2 probe. I assume I need to change the stein hart numbers so they match correct...
  5. J

    Version 2 of my homebrew controller

    One thing I did to help keep things clean was I went to my local Fry's and got some snap off pin headers and soldered a 16x wide straight to my sparkfun sourced LCD. because I was soldering the entire block to the LCD it was much easier than trying to solder 12 individual wires (IMO) and if the...
  6. J

    Version 2 of my homebrew controller

    Hi guys I've got another silly question (thanks for the thoughts on the last one!) I picked up an LCD from sparkfun - is there a way to attach the wires to this thing without soldering for the purpose of testing it out? I wanted to avoid re-soldering when I actually came up with the placement...
  7. J

    Version 2 of my homebrew controller

    I have a silly question - does anyone know if there is a difference between the smoker probes and the food probes? I accidentally ordered two food probes... it doesn't appear that there is a difference in the temperature output, but I wasn't sure if there was some reason I shouldn't just go...
  8. J

    Version 2 of my homebrew controller

    I'm going to introduce myself here too! I will be attempting a barebones version. If I can get this thing to keep a +/- 5* range from where I set it (provided enough fuel) I'll be a happy camper. I got in on Free Day and I've got an Arduino Uno, LCD, and buttons coming. Also plugged in the...

