Recent content by Tom O.

  1. T

    Sorry to see this apparently fade away.

    The HeaterMeter I have is doing the best job possible with my Kamado Joe and has been doing it for a long time now. It sure deserves more attention than it gets. In fact. it works better than my FireBoard Drive system (which I don't even bother to use). Anyway, just my thoughts and I wanted...
  2. T

    New Case Option for HM v4.3.6/RPi ZeroW

    John, I have been 3D printing a LONG time and can assure you one problem is that your printer is WAY, WAY out of correct calibration. Tom
  3. T

    Pit Reading 400°F + when plugged in. K-Thermocouple

    No worries. Just tired of fiddling with it. By the way, my new Fireboard 2 Drive arrived yesterday. And guess what? I rigged one of my HM blowers to it no problem. I printed and used both the Adapt-a-damper and the Micro damper units with my HeaterMeter while it worked. They both still...
  4. T

    Pit Reading 400°F + when plugged in. K-Thermocouple

    . Here's the info I saw. No TC or probes plugged in, HM read 4°F. Plugged in TC and it read 400°F to 415°F bouncing around in that range. Appling heat to TC end did nothing. Plugged in meat probes, one at a time, and all read 117°F just sitting on the table. ALL probe sockets read the...
  5. T

    Pit Reading 400°F + when plugged in. K-Thermocouple

    Well, 108 views, no responses. So I guess this has never happened before. It was fun while it lasted but I am tired of chasing down errors, re-installing firmware, and messing with something that I just want to work. So, I ordered a Fireboard Drive 2 a few minutes ago, and a Pit Viper blower...
  6. T

    Pit Reading 400°F + when plugged in. K-Thermocouple

    Title says it all. Started a cook this morning and when I plugged in the thermocouple to put it in the Kamado it had readings of 400°F to 415°F oscillating in that approximate range and would never change. Before it was ever heated in the Kamado... just sitting on the table. So... I thought...
  7. T

    Thermocouple not Matching the temps on ThermoWorks

    I had a problem with a TC being inaccurate too. Just sent it back to Amazon, got another, problem solved. It wasn't the HeaterMeter, it was a defective TC. Tom
  8. T

    No HeaterMeter found at your site

    Never mind. Wife reminded me we changed the WiFi password. Embarrassing. :( Tom
  9. T

    No HeaterMeter found at your site

    Getting that when I hook up my HeaterMeter. It worked last cook. Not sure how to proceed? Tom
  10. T

    Post your live HeaterMeter Cooks

    Doing some ribs and checking out my new SmokeWare top on my KJ. Cook just getting started. PS: Craig, I have that same Weber Performer grill. 9 years now and still going strong. Still has the original igniter for the gas charcoal lighting system and all...
  11. T

    Thermal Couple Vs Thermal Probes (thermistors)

    "Am I just crazy in looking for this much accuracy?..." I am not a clinical phycologist nor do I play one on TV nor did I sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I would have to say yes... you are crazy. The BBQ doesn't care. Hope that helped. Tom
  12. T

    The Adapt-a-Damper - Open Source Project

    Searches on Thingiverse have always been broken. Use the Google search tool function to search. For example, I was there yesterday looking for some shop light mount brackets. And the search for "shop light" turned up ZERO hits, which I thought was odd. So I used the Google Site search...
  13. T

    Airburner - HeaterMeter Success!

    Wow! What a GREAT idea! Anything that involves, BBQ, fire, gas AND a possible explosion? That's my kinda fun weekend experiment! Hold my beer... I'm trying this. :) Tom

