Recent content by Mark Ciskey

  1. M

    Help with Stoker Blower is being disassociated with Temp Probe by all 3rd party apps!

    Just out of curiosity do your probe or blower names have spaces or other special characters in them?
  2. M

    Smoke Day Greetings!

    It's the web interface for some software I've been working on for Rock's Bar-B-Que Stoker. I've thought about releasing it but there is already some great software availabe.
  3. M

    Smoke Day Greetings!

    I couldn't participate on Saturday but I have two briskets going today!
  4. M

    What's on your menu?

    We're doing 2 briskets on Sunday and if the weather holds we'll do ribs on Monday.
  5. M

    StokerLog Air

    I've been toying with a Java application but it isn't quite ready for distribution yet.

