Larry Fry
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    • Larry Fry
      Larry Fry replied to the thread Thank you.
      I'll see if I can get some photos of the flame -
    • Larry Fry
      Larry Fry reacted to Bruce's post in the thread Thank you with Like Like.
      A photo or better yet a video of the flames would help with diagnosis. Have you tried a different tank of LP?
    • Larry Fry
      Larry Fry reacted to LMichaels's post in the thread Thank you with Like Like.
      There could be some kind of safety valve being involved. Hard to say. If it was cleaning burners I'd have to think it would never heat...
    • Larry Fry
      Larry Fry replied to the thread Thank you.
      Wow - so it's been a few years. Update on the above grill - I refurbished it - and have used it almost daily for three years - until...
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