Recent content by KevinRH

  1. K

    Smokefire ex4 problems - bad power supply or igniter?

    Continued ... Part 2 If the plug measures say 8 to 11 ohms it is good. Then reassassemble the glow plug into the bracket and clamp it together. Make sure you measure the ohms of 2 wire plug assembly after you reinstall it and confirm it still measure 9 ish. You might have accidently shorted...
  2. K

    Smokefire ex4 problems - bad power supply or igniter?

    Sully, Pull the igniter and bracket assemly completely out of the pit and unplug it and start troubleshooting. Does the pit power on and work with the igniter unplugged, If so it is likely the igniter/assembly. Plug the igntiter bracket into the wiring with the glowplug NOT installed. Does...
  3. K

    Smokefire ex4 problems - bad power supply or igniter?

    My experience is not the same. The cookie sheet does nothing but collect grease and burned on food that you continue to burn and burn and burn that emits a burned stink, not a sweet smoke smell. Even when you clean it or use foil to cover, the first time you use it again, the grease and...
  4. K

    Smokefire ex4 problems - bad power supply or igniter?

    They did not ask and I did not tell. I was a previous registered user, they sent me parts before for my old Genesis Grill. Re this grill.... They had the serial number and they sent the previous owner new parts too before he sold it to me.
  5. K

    Smokefire ex4 problems - bad power supply or igniter?

    Motherboard came in and resolved my glow plug/igniter issue. All works as it should now. I just CANNOT believe the other guy sold me this grill for $40 and how Weber sent me a boatload of free parts to get it going like NEW AGAIN. Even free parts like meat probes and pellets were sent. I...
  6. K

    Smokefire ex4 problems - bad power supply or igniter?

    I got my parts on Friday and Saturday, got if fired up and did my first attempt at a steak. Next time need more sear, but was still impressed with this unit so far. Found out the MB is on back order so the glow plug igniter still stays on constantly. The flavor bar bracket is one per... I...
  7. K

    SmokeFire - Weber App - connection drops when I am outside of bluetooth range but connected to wifi

    So far all is well. I connected per the instructions and I am getting notifications and monitoring temps miles away now. I dont know how that works. Apparently the app has some cloud/cellular connection now. I am using an android phone.
  8. K

    SmokeFire - Weber App - connection drops when I am outside of bluetooth range but connected to wifi

    I deleted the connection profile and connected again following the directions linked, thanks. I will test it out tomorrow and let you know.
  9. K

    Smokefire ex4 problems - bad power supply or igniter?

    I turned it on and immediately the glow plug goes on. Ran a test at 300 then to 340 for about 45 mins. Shut down from the app and it worked (When I am with in BT range of the grill ) The grill properly shut down but the glow plug was still on. I am very impressed at how the burn pot is...
  10. K

    SmokeFire - Weber App - connection drops when I am outside of bluetooth range but connected to wifi

    Hi New owner of a Weber Smokefire ex4 and recently installed the Weber Android app. I connected via wifi and was able to update temps and shut down the grill, no issues, being fairly close to the grill. I am getting mixed functionality today ... When I go outside of the assumed Bluetooth...
  11. K

    Smokefire ex4 problems - bad power supply or igniter?

    Is it normal that the glow plug is on/glowing soon as the unit is powered on? Glowing before temp start cycle? Also, I was told on a different forum that during shut down mode, it is normal that the unit will dump more pellets and continue to cycle the fan as to get the fire box cleaned and...
  12. K

    Smokefire ex4 problems - bad power supply or igniter?

    The igniter housing was bent a little and the igniter was inner electrode was touching ground side causing a direct short. For anyone reading this ... a good igniter measures about 9 ohms. I fixed the ignitier/housing and used a clamp to keep it all tight. I reassembled it all and the unit...
  13. K

    Smokefire ex4 problems - bad power supply or igniter?

    I will pull out the igniter and check it later. I don't understand how it works though, I guess just dc volts across an almost dead short and it gets hot? There are 2 wires coming off the 24v PS going to the igniter. When the igniter is plugged in, it holds down the whole PS/Control board...
  14. K

    Smokefire ex4 problems - bad power supply or igniter?

    I bought a 1st Gen ex4 used. It supposedly it gave the guy no issues for some years but then it would not work recently and he just gave up on it and sold it to me cheap. Weber sent him a new motherboard and igniter. I believe that made it the display come on and work until the motor or igniter...
  15. K

    Another Summit in the yard.

    Yes right click on ANY photo, hosted anywhere... and it will be hosted in your imgur account. It apparently, copies ANY photo you right click on, regardless of the current location/source.... it is and pastes it in your imgur account and makes the web link, instantly

