Recent content by JSMathers

  1. J

    Espress for HeaterMeter Module (wifi with no Pi/Linkmeter needed)

    David, Thanks for adding localhm.html to github. With that I was able to modify the format of the JSON data in the sendHMJsonweb function in globals.cpp to match (some of) the JSON data returned from "/luci/lm/hmstatus" on the raspPi HM (described here...
  2. J

    Espress for HeaterMeter Module (wifi with no Pi/Linkmeter needed)

    Hi David, thanks for all of your work on this! I was able to build your code in Arduino 1.6.12 and load it on my Amica NodeMCU (esp8266 esp-12e) and everything seems to be working great. I wasn't sure exactly how to use the older espsoftwareserial-2.1.1, but I copied it into my...
  3. J

    New Pi Zero $5 stripped down RasPi

    This probably belongs in a different thread, but has anyone heard of Black Swift (now called Unwired One)? It runs OpenWrt, has on board wifi and can interface to Arduino. Very small form factor, but pricier than the pi zero. Open hardware...
  4. J

    Pebble App: Something else to maintain why not?

    I'm loving the pebble app, thanks Bryan! This is one of the main reasons I got a pebble watch in the first place. The first reason being to control my squeezebox networked music players (another fun open source project -- I'm actually working on plugin for the squeezebox that gives audible HM...

