LMicheals, your pictures were very helpful! On my particular grill that did not turn out to be the issue but it certainly helped me to know where to start looking. I took some soapy water out in a spray bottle and hosed everything down, but I still cannot find the source of my leak. It's not...
LMicheals, I sent you a private message with my email address in case you would like to email the photo.
I really appreciate the input from everyone. I hope to have a chance to check it out in depth this weekend.
Thanks all! It looks like i have a weekend of troubleshooting ahead of me.
Another clue could be that even before I started having the gas leak issue, I was having some trouble getting burners 2 and 3 to light. I could light #1 with the igniter, but once it's going #2 would not light by simply...
I love my Weber 320, it's been a wonderful tool and up until now I have had no issues at all with the product. I called Weber CS this morning and the call did not go well. I have a 320ng purchased in July 2010 so I understand that the 2 year warranty is up, but I would like to hear from you all...