Very nice graph for an uninsulated cooker. Hopefully the brisket tasted as good as this looks. Something very satisfying about a nice clean cook. Can you post your PID settings?
Looks like Bryan has some kits with alternate regulator on the heater meter store. The whole electronics industry is suffering from supply shortages, a lot of parts with 90 week lead times. You can find parts that will work as alternates, but it takes effort to hunt them down and can get...
That's is weird, you probably blew something, hard to say what. I would suggest separating the pi and try to get the heater meter board functioning on 12v supply. Look for any obvious signs of overheating, and measure voltages using this reference...
With no input connected to gate of Q1 and Q3 removed, Q1 should be off and drain pin 12v, but if it was left floating it could could pick up stray charge and turn on. Try tying Q3 gate to ground through a resistor and see if it turns off. Is this on a breadboard or a pwb?
You could prove around the board with a meter looking for low resistance in the 12v path, it does not hit that many locations. Since this is a new build, could be something else like a solder bridge. High quality photos always help (both sides)
I had this working for a while but when I reinstalled the latest snapshot it seems like something changed with the script and it would not work ( now defaults to zerossl, which would not work with --alpn, it gave error:
[Mon Dec 13 09:58:44 EST 2021] Error, can not get domain...
It looks to me like functionally it would work, but it mounts vertically instead of horizontally, which would potentially create a mechanical interference with the rPi. Looks like it might be easy enough to swap the 3pin header with a straight one if you are confident with soldering/removal. Not...
The resonator is used with the Arduino, so anything that works with the Atmega328 has same frequency, pinout and physically fits should work. The heater meter does not include any external circuitry, so needs to have built in caps for resonator. This looks like it would work (unconfirmed)...