
I became aquainted with a weber kettle back in 1988 when some neighbours had one and I borrowed it for a party I held and loved cooking on it....although there were many burnt offerings at the start. My Wife bought me a Bronze/brown 2 tones Weber OTS for my birthday around 1995 and have been grilling on charcoal ever since. I now own a good USED 18" WSM (can't get the 22.5 downunder) as well as a Performer kettle and a Brand new Q320 so as you can see...I'm a weber man thru & thru lol

BBQ'in, Country Music & Bluegrass, motorcycle touring, and just gettin\' on the booze.
January 7
Sydney NSW, Australia
Bus driver extraordinaire


Weber Performer:greenperformer:, Master Touch Plus Deep Ocean Blue Kettle :redmastertouch: & a Black Jumbo Joe :smokeyjoe: Weber Q3200 (Nat Gas)


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