Recent content by ChristakisS

  1. C

    Changing Settings Remotely (Warning this might get very technical quick)

    Ah! Thanks for the heads up and the quick reply Steve. Saved me of another late night full of frustration! It seems it's time to start thinking about OAuth in the HM. Might bit a bit of an overkill but would make integration to the outside world so much easier!
  2. C

    Changing Settings Remotely (Warning this might get very technical quick)

    Hi all, I'm after hints, tips or just pure help on how to change settings of the Heater Meter remotely using a script -not the website (ideally javascript). I've had good results with getting data off the HM but cannot for the life of me parse any settings to it. I tired the suggested way in...
  3. C

    HM controlling electric smokers . . . .

    The 40A SSR should be more than fine. I decided to go with the 25A SSR version to avoid the heatsink and still be ok with heat (I've put mine in a small weather sealed box). Mind you the Bradley 500W heating element only draws 2.2A in the UK (230V). At 25A it's still grossly overrated but it...
  4. C

    HM controlling electric smokers . . . .

    Works like a charm, thank you. @MANowell, wiring is very easy, see image below. Basically for the Bradley smoker you need a spare computer power supply cable which you cut it in half. You then put the SSR between the brown cables (LIVE) on the HV side and then use some connector. Then get an...
  5. C

    HM controlling electric smokers . . . .

    Yes, it seems so. You will need a Solid State Relay to control the heating element, this replaces the fan. There's some minor tweaks that you need to in the settings to reflect that you have a SSR instead of a fan but I understand it's not too erroneous. I'm currently building a HM to control...

