StokerLog Question


Bob Porter

TVWBB Member
I am contemplating purchasing a Stoker. I have not found an answer to the following. I know one can monitor the smoke via a web page on the local network. Is there any way to automatically ftp those data to a site on the Internet so others can follow the cook?
Sure. There are different ways.

1. Stokerlog can send email notifications to any phone or email address. There, it can send all the temps and even the graph of the cook. You get to select these together with how frequenty they are sent.

2. Using a special mode of stokerlog("HTTP") more copies of the program can run remotely simultaneously with the primary one in your house. That way, they get an update every 8 seconds or so.

To do #2, you need open up your home network to external access. There are instructions on stoker web site on how to do this but it is not the easiest thing to set up if you are not familiar with networking and router operation.

There is no FTP support. We have talked in the past about a shared server/service that would do this but our day jobs have gotten in the way of making that work

