Need help finding a user manual


Don Reed

I was given an older Ktel food dehydrator with 4 shelves model #80019, this unit does not use a fan and also didn't have a users manual, I've tried searching for one on line but nothing so far any help would be appreciated in locating a manual or info on how to use the dang thing, I've never owned one before. Thanks in advance
Thanks Bill, I tried both those sites, one pulls up the manual for the Ronco convection dehydrator and the other one is for a Nesco I'm beginning to think manuals for this model are no longer available.
Mike, thanks for the link but I took a shot in the dark and found an e-mail address for the K-tel corporation, funny how I forgot all of there TV ad's for records and such, any way, they sent me a PDF of a scanned manual, that is for what there is of it. I told my brother about the dehydrator and he said chuck it because with out a fan or temp control it'll be a bigger pain than it's worth. I'll still probably hold on to it though for drying peppers.
I have an old ronco dehydrator - no fan or temp controller. It works just fine!

Dry some bananas on it first & let it rip for a day. If you want to add a controller or have any interest in sous vide or lagering beer or charcuterie, this might be a good opportunity to play with PID controllers.

