Halibut for the Helluva it w/pics....


Chris Brown

TVWBB Member
Pacific Halibut
Mix of fresh herbs (basil, oregano, parsley)
Dried Pepper
Olive Oil

I used my WSM with the set up used by Clay J. Chopped the herbs garlic, put into a small bowl add salt/pepper to taste, add finely minced dried pepper and spread on fish. Once the coals and wood come up to temp., on goes the fish. Cook until fish is tender and flaky . I served it over sautéed greens. There is something about fish cooked over charcoal that is just simple and delicious.
It is still 90 minutes till lunch time and I am now officially STARVING....those pics of the Halibut and the Salmon look amazing. I am definately gong to have to get one of those basket things for the fish.

