

Richard Batey

I used some of the chipotles I recently made on the WSM to make Chipocludos: Smoked Chile Conserves. See Chipocludos
See full details at that link, but here are the basics.

10 dried chipotle chiles
10 dried morita chiles (if unavailable, use all chipotles)
4 whole heads garlic
1-1/2 large white onions, peeled, sliced into thin rings
2 cones piloncillo or 2 cups firmly packed dark brown sugar
1/2 cup vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
4-5 bay leaves
3-4 sprigs of thyme
salt to taste

Bring 1-1/2 qts of water to boil, add chiles and whole garlic bulbs, simmer, partially covered, until the chiles are soft, about 1 hour. Note: if you make your chipotles, you can just remove some before them dry out. [rb]

Add remaining ingredients, using more vinegar if desired to cut down on the heat of the chiles, which the vinegar absorbs. [forget that!, rb]. Continue cooking for another 1/2 hour.

Let the conserve sit, uncovered, overnight, then transfer to jars and refrigerate.


