not important but curious < (does that word have an "e" on the end?)


Dan H.

was cleaning my smokey joe platinum tonight after I grilled some pork chops and pineapple rings and thought i'de clean the lid up etc. cause my mod parts should be here soon and I was hoping that I could have a mod before the next cook. Anyway the grill isn't that old at all and hasn't seen a ton of cooks like the wsm or the other grill I have but I was washing the lid off in the house (sink) w/ the ussuall plastic scrubby thing I use on the wsm w/ dish soap. My wsm takes a little muscle (i try to clean in every 4 or 5 months or so, at least a couple times a i don't know why) but seems to come shiny, AND smooth and like new again, seriously, good coating etc. Well my SJP lid doesn't. Best way to describe it is how a hood of an old car looks, like oxidized almost, except without any discolor. I mean its all black still but I scrub and scrub and nothin, it just looks dull and feels rough to the touch. The wsm becomes slippery and has no traction when clean, this sjp lid has a lot of resistance and looks oxidized in a way (or something like that, hard to describe. Anyway no big deal just wanted some thoughts. All I could think is it didn't get coated nearly as well or #2 the higher heat really burns in all that grease and crap (but I don't think so, because I think eventually it would simply incinerate or flake off much like the wsm. just wanderin.
you talking about the inside or outside? if inside use oven cleaner and a very fine steel wool. if outside, just try the really fine steel wool. happened on my kettle. no e on the end.

