yuck city....


Andy Rine

TVWBB Member
I just got the old smoker out, and I hadn't cleaned it out after the last time it was used (about 6months ago, due to my wedding). Anyway, there were maggots in the water pan, it was disgusting.

What is the current best method for cooking a whole brisket. Last I looked, everyone was putting it on fat down, but should I baste or flip it during the smoke?
mmmmm, sounds good. I think you want to smoke maggots at about 220 for an hour with cherry wood.

I was kind of thinking that the jury is still out on which side you want the fat on. The argument that makes the most sense to me is fat side down because it protects it from the heat.

Seems from older topics that it was questionable if the meat actually benefits from the fat side up "meat gets basted as fat renders" argument.

I've got mine on right now with the fat cap down. I do not plan on basting or mopping. The next time I'm going to see it is when it's internal temp is 170-175 and then I'm going to foil it and put it back on with the fat cap up.
Brine and foil the maggots.
I cook with fat cap down and rest it with the fat cap up. No basting or flipping needed for the brisket.
Things sure have gotten a lot simpler since I was here last (I was flipping and bassting, etc...)

Man, what a terrible night to pick to fire the smoker back up. We've had pockets of storms coming through that are just terrible (think monsoons). I wouldn't be surprised to see that we got 3-4" of rain tonight, all in 15 minute spurts. But, r2d2 is doing fine. Whenver my alarm wakes me up (twice so far), I just get up, close the top vents and open all the bottom vents 100%, and wait for the rain to go away again. The only thing that sucks is staying up to get the temp stable again after the rain.

Maybe I should just break down and get a guru.
I made a brisket yesterday. 13 lber cooked at 235 for about 14-15 hours and cooked fat side down no flipping. I took it out at 180 degrees. Then rested it for 6-7 hours fat side up in a cooler.

One of the best I ever made and so simple as I did an overnight cook. The temp went way down during the night so I had to add coals and do the minion method again but no worries it came out great.

