you know what i like about this forum?


Frank H

TVWBB Gold Member
besides the fact that its full of nice people sharing their knowledge about a subject thats near to my heart...
but what i like best is you can talk about cooking meat and post pictures of gooey , cheese filled burgers and theres no annoying pinheads chiming in with dumb comments like "does that come with an angioplasty coupon?"....or "wow , that looks kinda fatty "
i learned very quickly not to post pictures of my BBQ triumphs on Facebook for just that reason....too many vegetarians and healthnuts on facebook. this is my new facebook and im lovin it !

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The last time I had a chicken sandwich at McDonalds it looked similar, although yours probably has more real chicken.
Coming from a chick that with a child who once asked me while watching Discovery Channels "Frozen Planet", "Mom, how would penguins taste if they were smoked?"...I have no judgement from you. A happy family works for me!

