Yellow deposits on flavorizer bars, SS grates, and upper firebox


Dan Leighton

Just got to cleaning my 2007 NG E-320 Genesis and found a yellow coating mostly on the bars and a little on the bottom side of the SS grates and a little on the upper sides of the firebox. Lid has zero deposits other than the usual black from cooking. Not sure if this is just byproduct of the combustion. Cleaned most of it off with a wirebrush and now will run the grill full tilt for a couple of hours to kill anything left behind. Flames look mostly blue with occasional yellow flicker. Only thing different this year is we have had a lot of rain from monsoon season so the humidity has been high for 4 or 5 days in a row. I've searched the forum, but found everything but what I've been looking for. Any clues? As normal practice, I run the grill full tilt 10-20 minutes after every cook. for easier grate cleanup.
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MOLD>>>>>>> Of course after I posted, another search using different words found my own post from 2019. It's mold. Kudos to Bruce, RichardS and LMichaels from that thread. Probably from all the humidity we had during monsoon season that doesn't usually provide as much wet weather.
I had noticed yellowish residue on my flavor bars (SS) when they were newer - 5+ years ago..... that was the only place I had seen it. Mostly underneath the bars, but some coming around the top. I know it wasn't mold at that time..... The best I could figure is that there was some reaction going on between the propane and the bars --- I was guessing it was a 'sulfide' - probably chromium, maybe nickle - from the 'odor' that they add to the propane. Now that my bars are well used, flaking and dirty ---- I don't see it anymore.
I always thought that yellowish stuff was sulfer residue as Jim describes more formally.
If you look closely at it, it very much appears as mold. And usually only rears it's head in moist conditions when the grill is not used for a while

