WSM Buffalo Wings in 6 Easy Steps

Jon - the wings look awesome and make me want to watch football. What was your cook time in the WSM? On the sauce, were you following a recipe or just put it together to taste?
Jon - the wings look awesome and make me want to watch football. What was your cook time in the WSM? On the sauce, were you following a recipe or just put it together to taste?

50-60 minutes. They'll get nice and crisp, and you can see the skin bubbling as it renders out and gets crunchy. Too long and the meat dries out, too short and the skin won't be crispy.

The sauce is all by eye. For 2 dozen wings it's probably a tablespoon of butter (melted in the microwave), 1/4 cup of Frank's, 1/2 teaspoon each of garlic powder and Worcestershire, then Sriracha and/or Chile Garlic Sauce to taste.
I made some wings in the WSM today (first time!) and they were incredible. Jon - your sauce recipe is on target! I doubled it, and used chili powder instead of the Sriracha/Chili Garlic Sauce, and added a teaspoon of distilled white vinegar. Jeff, I followed your method of 20 minutes direct, 20 in a hot tub (covered w/foil, liquid was a can of chicken broth and a few splashes of the wing sauce), then 20-25 direct until they were the right crispness. My wife was quite impressed with how they turned out.

Thanks for the advice and inspiration! These wings will definitely be in the regular rotation.

