Widows 10 being forced on to my computer

It'll probably start when you start up again. "Missed appointment" won't mean a thing.

Did you try the GRC link to uninstall those prompts, etc?

After I thought about it I assumed the same thing that it would load on start up so, did mine this morning and Barbs this afternoon, both went smoothly. Could not believe how much space that program used, so hopefully this will stop the widows 10 intrusion.
Thanks so much for the help it is really appreciated.
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After I thought about it I assumed the same thing that it would load on start up so, did mine this morning and Barbs this afternoon, both went smoothly. Could not believe how much space that program used, so hopefully this will stop the widows 10 intrusion.
Thanks so much for the help it is really appreciated.

Thanks for starting this thread Rich. It helped me out a lot!
Well today brings not so good news. After installing the GRC to uninstall the windows 10 when I fired up my computer this morning here is a pop up stating the installation of windows 10 would start in 59 minuets. I was given the option to do it later which I took, no date or time was required and the pop up went away.
This may have been the residual of the scheduled time I did before the GRC installation which was for 2am last night. So Len was right it waited for me to start my computer this morning as it wasn't on last night at the scheduled time.
Time will tell.
Rich I found this to "cancel" the appointment:


I haven't needed to try this though. YMMV. Good luck. Sorry I couldn't get to this sooner.

Thanks Len, I booked marked it for now. Since I missed the appointment there is no new appointment as of now. I've turned the computer on and off a few times this morning and it's operating normally.
No pop ups or anything to do with 10. I'm thinking it was an automatic response to the missed appointment last night that generated the pop up the first time I fired it up.
Barbs computer has been fine since we did the GRC yesterday.
So I'm going to see what happens before I mess with it anymore.
I'll post on here if I get anything else.
Thanks again!
I am on a Mac and my wife Windows She has not accepted the Windows 10 update then one morning (two weeks ago) she woke up to Windows 10 already installed. That is wrong in my book.
I am on a Mac and my wife Windows She has not accepted the Windows 10 update then one morning (two weeks ago) she woke up to Windows 10 already installed. That is wrong in my book.

Bob... Call Microsoft tech support in Seattle. They will immediately uninstall it and return your wife's computer to her previous version of Windows. I believe I was told there is a 90 day window during which they will do this. Hopefully, it didn't dump all her data during the "middle of the night" upgrade. They've been inundated with complaints and are very apologetic. We had to do it on our computers here, however we caught the download in progress. I agree with you and have lost a lot of respect for Microsoft.

For the past 6 weeks or so, windows update takes forever (I'm talking several hours not minutes) to find win 7 updates. It appears that MS has taken servers offline is why these updates take forever to even be found by the updater, let alone get downloaded.

I eventually got an error code (doesn't matter what the number is) in effect saying that my downloader was corrupt. After searching for a while, I found a solution and downloaded a new downloader install.

It worked (although a bit slower than usual) and I got my security update.

Happened again last week (corruption) but couldn't find my original solution. Finally tracked down the .msi file that contained the update. DAMN THEM. They buried the win 10 sw inside it without me being able to read it. Now I get that icon in the window telling me about the 10 update.

I used the "Never10" exe that I posted earlier. Nice. Got rid of the win 10 files and the icon in the tool tray. You need to re-boot to get rid of the icon (on restart nothing is there).

Just to let anyone know who's hesitant about using it, I can say it worked for me and caused no harm to my system. Goes to show that anyone can make a mistake despite being a vigilant as you can possibly be.
Len, I installed "Never 10" on Barbs and my computers on May 26, so far nothing from Microsoft about Windows 10. Both computers seam to be working fine.
Just wanted others to know that "I practise what I preach" Rich ;)

And with the 28th coming up fast, I've come to the conclusion that I'll save the hunnert bucks and use a system I know works and that will still get security updates for another 4 years.
I keep forgetting about this.

When I start my laptop, I get an option to not install 10, does anyone else get this? Will it still try to install?
think i'm gonna sell my laptop and go with a real old computer... the kind that don't get viruses or needs to be rebooted

Latest news for those (poor) people who got Win 10, DO NOT do the AU (Anniversary Update). Delay it as long as possible. From the computer blog I subscribe to:

A thread on Reddit concerning PC “freezes” following installation of the AU swelled to over 600 posts in five days. The first post in this mega-thread summarizes solutions proposed by Redditors and their results. There doesn’t seem to be just one cause and one solution to freezes. A solution that worked for some users does not work for others. It’s an ugly, chaotic mess that no one knows for certain how to clean up.

Several people reported that the AU update went smoothly, but afterwards found that System Restore was disabled after the update. System Restore is a Windows feature that lets you undo system changes, and I recommend that it always be turned on.

To make sure System Restore (aka System Protection) is turned on, search for "restore" on the Start Menu, then click Create a Restore Point. Select your System drive (C usually), click the Configure button, and ensure that "Turn on system protection" is enabled.

Other problems reported after installing the AU include Cortana disappearing entirely; user-defined settings returning to defaults; some Windows Store apps crashing immediately upon launch; and, most ominous of all, installation of the AU failing with many different error messages, such as 0x80070057, 0x800705b4, 0x8024200D, and more.

Make sure you read the Reddit link. You'll shake your head :mad:

To help you delay/uninstall it, here is some posted advice:
Windows 10 Pro users can postpone major updates for up to 4 months by checking the “Defer Updates” box on the page at Settings > Update & Security > Advanced Options.
Windows 10 Home users don’t have the “Defer Updates” option. Instead, they can tell Windows 10 to use its “metered connection” bandwidth-conserving features. Blocking downloads of major update files like the AU is among those features. Click your way through Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Advanced Options. Under “Set as metered connection,” slide the control switch to the “on” position.

If your PC uses a wired (Ethernet) connection to reach the Internet, try this Windows Central guide to setting an Ethernet connection as “metered.”

If the AU is already installed, you can uninstall it via the Recovery utilities. Click through Settings > Update & Security > Recovery. In the “Go back to an earlier build” section, click on the “Get started” button. Choose or add a reason for reverting to an earlier build of Windows 10. Click Next to make it so. The AU will be uninstalled, along with any apps installed after the AU was installed.
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