Who's Cooking Today...Anyone?


Bruce Bissonnette

Got three racks of baby backs going on early this afternoon. Trying out three new sauces in my never ending search for the "best" sauce. Will keep you posted.
Boy, I'd love to be home smoking something right now
Fortunately, I have ribs and sausages left over from Sunday's cook to get me through until the weekend. What are you shooting for as far as the sauces are concerned Bruce?
I'm not cooking, but I just finished helping my firewood man unload about 40 logs of pecan along with the regular oak firewood.

Bruce, I was hoping you were using home made sauces and rubs. Do you have any that you make you would like to share?
I've found a combination that I just cannot one-up. I use Texas BBQ Rub on the ribs and as soon as they come off the smoker I lightly paint them with a mixture of Sweet Baby Ray's Regular and Bone Suckin' Hot.
Steve - I have not delved into sauce making, however, there is a long cold winter about to start and that is on the top of my "Q" list of things to do and get good at.

Russ - thanks for the tip, I just so happen to have both on hand, I'll give it a try.

Here ya go guys and gals, the baby back report.

I put the ribs on at 1:45p, using 4 small chunks of cherry and 2 chunks of pecan wood, cooking temps held throughout the cook between 225-235. At 4:00p I spritzed the ribs with apple juice. At 5:15p I checked the ribs and they were nearly done, they past the tear test and the bend test easily. At this point I sauced them and returned them to the cooker until 5:45p

They were extremely tender, not falling off the bone, but with your bite the bone came clean. As far as the sauces go; I thought the Slabs sauce matched well with their rub and it was very tasty, minimaly sweet , but tomatoey, very slight vinegar background with a peppery finish, also a very noticeable pieces of spices or something in there, has a mouthfeel to it. A "just about right" amount of heat. Not sweet enough for the wife and daughter. This sauce and their rub has partly led to the Slabs being if not the hottest, one of the hottest teams on the KCBS circuit this year.

The Sticky Fingers sauce was very good, a KC style sauce, sweet but not overpowering, excellent flavor, no heat to speak of. I enjoyed it as did the spouse and off-spring. For coming from a commercial chain of Q restaraunts, it is the best Q restaraunt sauce I have ever tasted.

Olde Ray's, however, won the day. This sauce is sweet and has a very distinct apple flavor with small bits of apple or apple pulp in the sauce and just a hint of cinnamon. It matched extremely well with the pork flavor and was unique as BBQ sauces go. It's a keeper.

I would not hesitate to buy either sauce again. I have uploaded the remaining pictures, use the links above to view.

