While Barb was Happily Painting Away


Rich Dahl

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
While Barb was happily painting the living room I was smoking up a 3 pound bottom roast for future French dip sandwiches on the mini. Was nice not to have to use the gasser because of rain or high winds.
Also getting the performer prepped for tonight’s dinner of martini marinated tenderloin (will post next).

Injection was 2 TBS of Worcestershire and a ½ cup of low sodium beef broth.
Rub was Weber’s Chicago steak, granulated garlic and black pepper.


Mini gets the call

Why I can't have a smoker on the patio when it rains or it's windy too boxed in and a drywall celling

Smoke was pecan and almond

Pulled at 122

Came out perfect after a twenty minute rest

Sliced and ready for the food saver

Bagged and tagged

More painting and cooking to come
Thanks for stopping by.
Yum... I have to assume you sampled some as you were slicing and packing...none of us would believe you if you said you didn't.
Great pile of sandwee making materials! Whats this talk about not using the Mini in rain or wind???? its one of the best smokers to use in those conditions! Heck I even use mine in the snow!

Very nicely done Rich, I love french dip sandwiches. and also you have a nice setup there and plenty of Webers to cook with.
That turned out perfect, I'm not sure they would last at my place. Sandwich heaven there Rich

