Whats everyones specialty cook on smoker?


Tex Slater

New member
1) What's a cook your pretty confident that when you do it, it will turn out good and others will like it?
2) What's a cook that you just cant seem to nail down?

For me, chicken wings and spare ribs for #1 and brisket for #2
babybacks! .. like falling off a log!

Been doing this 'bout 35 years Tex, can't really say I have any that I can't 'nail down', but there are still some cuts of meat that I haven't tried so I imagine I could find a few things to screw up if I try hard enough. I have some that I don't often do and if I need info on one I come here.

I bet if you mention what your concerns are when cooking brisket you could get good help here, a lot of good cooks on here!

btw, We don't call them "bahston" butts in Boston either.
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#1 - Bahston Butt - IMO, other than undercooking, it's hard to screw up pulled pork.

#2 - Chicken parts - I've given up on drummies, getting better at thighs and not terrible with wings. Thankfully chicken is usually cheap enough to experiment with. I did some thighs last week that came out OK except for the skin and a slightly bitter smokey aftertaste. I'm just too lazy to prep the skin the way all the pros do.
#1 - Bahston Butt - IMO, other than undercooking, it's hard to screw up pulled pork.

We don't call them "bahston" butts in Texas but I agree with Chad! ha
If I am cooking for a crown I am always confident a pork butt will turn out good!
If you work long enough at smoke cooking all meats, then there are no real weaknesses.
Occasional screw ups? Hell yes!

edit to add:
briskets, for me, do take more attention than anything else.
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1) pork tenderloin. Just cooked another great one yesterday using Emeral's recipe.

2) beef short ribs. I just don't seem to get it right. Regardless of numerous attempts.
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1. Spare ribs. One of my favorite things to cook and also to experiment with.

2. Brisket flat. Just can't seem to get them right. I have no problem with the point.
Pork butts and sausages, I guess. Doing better with chicken, too, but I have a long ways to go to master a slow cooker.

Never done ribs of any kind, or beef brisket either.
It will be ribs, pork shoulder and meatloaf for the likes as there is never any left over

It will be brisket as the only times I have tried it was in a electric smoker and just didn't come out right
Brisket seems to be the stickler!? I rewatched Aaron Franklin's brisket show last night and wanted to recommend it in this thread, it's a very good watch and a lot of information in just a short half hour.

+1 on the meatloaf! I'm cooking one today or tomorrow, trying out a new Chipotle glaze on it.
Glad I am not the only one with brisket problems . I also have a hard time getting them moist enough or pull apart with your fingers. I am doing everything according to the common instruction such as taking temp to around 165 and then doing the Texas cheat (foiling), but still cant hit that home run. My last attempt was the best one yet.
Pulled pork is always a hit, but my wife has said that my St. Louis ribs are perfected, so I guess they're my specialty.

That said, I plan on perfecting my chicken wings as soon as possible.
I'm pretty confident cooking just about anything on my smokers. My specialties are probably smoked meatloaf and lasagna.
I like Kabobs and Salmon on grilll

Ribs on the Smoker.

Bahston (ugh - hate that accent) Butts are easy, if I have the time...
Brisket is my forte. Kids and grandkids will be here for Christmas and all are clamoring for brisket. Do not know why but it always comes out juicy and tender. Great between a couple of pieces of white bread.

Now chicken is another matter. Definitely a hit or miss evolution. My wife cooks her own in the oven as she knows my track record with chicken over charcoal.

