What we do for our pets



18.5 WSM > 22.5 One-Touch Platinum > Smokey Joe Gold > Go Anywhere Gas > Genesis Silver B
I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend, Rich and Barb. I knew her from your pictures and she was amazing. I feel with you my friends.
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My heart felt condolence to you, Barb and Rich. I know what it's like to loose a fur child all to well. My heart aches for you.
Sorry for your loss, Rich and Barb. No matter how many times you go through it, it never gets any easier. Stay strong for each other.
"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."

- Anonymous
Thank you from Barb and I for all the loving posts you have given us. It will take time to heal, if ever. But we still have Raddy her Mom to love and take care of. Again thanks to our forum family, it did really help!
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For some reason I am just now seeing this post. I am very sorry to hear about this. We have a cpl Shih Tzu(s) (and a cat who adopted us). The Shih Tzu(a) are spoiled rotten. In fact they are both sitting on me as I write this. I dread the day I go thru what you guys have. You have my deapest sympathy. I know the healing will be a slow process.
Rich and Barb, there are never the right words for this, I am so sorry for your loss.

When the timing is right, please consider looking at rescue dogs. You will know when your ready.
Rich and Barb, there are never the right words for this, I am so sorry for your loss.

When the timing is right, please consider looking at rescue dogs. You will know when your ready.

That's what I did - took about 5 months before I walked in on a whim & walked out with this one last January:

(this is the same way I sleep)

Rich and Barb, there are never the right words for this, I am so sorry for your loss.

When the timing is right, please consider looking at rescue dogs. You will know when your ready.

Holly and her Mom Raddy were the 5th and 6th Golden’s we have had. We have been a Golden Retriever family exclusively since 1979. Four out of the six were rescue dogs. Only Holly and our first were raised from pups.
If and it’s a big if we get another furry kid it most certainly will be a Golden. We might at our age become foster parents for the local GR rescue group here in Prescott, helping to find homes for these wonderful dogs.
But like Barb said you’ll want to keep each and every one that comes through the door and she is probably right.

