what to do with leftover pulled pork and ribs


Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame
A while back I recall someone asking what to do with leftover smoked meats. Well, besides pizza, nachos is one of my favorite foods groups. So since SWMBO is not home just yet, I sautéed some leftover pulled pork in some taco seasoning and a little water so the meat sucked up all the juice, let it cool a bit, spooned it onto a bed of nacho chips and covered the creation with cheese. Yummo. Add a couple bones, the Masters on TV, and we'll call this supper. After I finished my plate I realized I omitted the guacamole. Well crap. LOL Must have been the El Presidente Margaritas.

What are these " leftovers" you speak of? Just kidding. I usually take the extra PP to work for the guys in the warehouse. But,I've never had leftover ribs. Never. They just don't make it!
Way to put the leftovers to good use Dwain. I plan to do the same tomorrow with ribs from Saturday.

