What causes the smoke ring?


Kirk Boorman

TVWBB Super Fan
While "Smoke" might be the most obvious answer, I've heard a few contradictory opinions on this lately, and I wanted to get your take on it.
Interesting... So does this article imply that if I have a deeper smoke ring say, on ribs, that I'll have an increased likleyhood of a "hammy" flavor? I'm particularly interested in this possibility because my last batch of ribs had a smoke ring so deep that almost all the meat was pink. They also had a hammier flavor than I would have liked, but I attributed this to the salt in the rub that I had put on the night before.

Edit: removed one useless question
Kirk B.

There may be a lot of different opinions on this and I am certainly no expert, but I have heard a lot of people say that the best idea for ribs is to only apply the rub maybe an hour or so before they go on to cook to minimize the hammy flavor you described.
Thanks Eric, I was considering that for my ribs this weekend. The reason I asked about the creation of the smoke ring is because I saw the "All Star BBQ" thing on TV the other day and one of the judges explained that the smoke ring was the result of moisture etc. and that it had nothing to do with the smoke. He really sounded like he believed that, but if it was true, wouldn't everything that came out of the oven have the ring too? I thought so.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Kirk Boorman:
Interesting... So does this article imply that if I have a deeper smoke ring say, on ribs, that I'll have an increased likleyhood of a "hammy" flavor? ... They also had a hammier flavor than I would have liked, but I attributed this to the salt in the rub that I had put on the night before.
</div></BLOCKQUOTE>The article implies that but that is erroneous, imo. You can get a hammy taste without much, if any, of a smokering, just like you can have a wonderful smoky flavor without a smokering. Salting the night before is the likely culprit, as you suspect.
The only time I've ever had hammy taste is when I used enhanced spares one time. I also rubbed generously several hours before the actual cook. I think its the 'curing' effect by the extra salt as Kevin indicated.
Mr Roith's discription on AllSart BBQ was a quick little deal and he is right, in an electric Cookshack they need to place one briquet along with wood to produce smokering.
Moisture and heat along with nitrates cause the change in the pigment of the meat.

The hammy flavor is caused by curing the ribs, the more salt in the rub and the lenght of time on the ribs will contribute to the hammy flavor.
I know not to believe everything I hear on TV anyway - when you hear something that doesn't make sense, chances are you're not getting the whole story. Program time constraints and creative editing probably contributed to the misunderstanding there. I was just a little suprised when I thought I heard him say the smoke had nothing to do with it.
As far as the hammy taste, I'm going to rub my ribs about an hour or so before they go on this weekend and if the taste is still there, it must be something else I'm doing. I'm sure that'll take care of it though. Thanks all!
And as Joe said make sure you are NOT buying enhanced ribs/meat. That's a sure fire way to have hammy tasting meat. Look really good because they like to hide the fact that the meat has been ehanced.
How deep of a smoke ring is ideal on a pork butt? Let's say you are using two fist-sized wood chunks. In this case, does the deeper smoke ring give the meat a smokier taste? "hammier" taste?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by russell swift:
How deep of a smoke ring is ideal on a pork butt? Let's say you are using two fist-sized wood chunks. In this case, does the deeper smoke ring give the meat a smokier taste? "hammier" taste? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
I don't associate smoked pork butt with hammy taste. I find that if you buy enhanced meat that has been sitting in that salt solution for God knows how long, that's when you get the hammy taste. If you get a fresh Butt or Picnic and smoke it on the WSM you wind up with smoked pork i.e. pulled pork that doesn't taste anything like ham.
I follow ya....with that being said, do you prefer to put a cold pork butt on the WSM or let it sit at room temperature 1 or 2 hrs prior to the smoke?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by russell swift:
I follow ya....with that being said, do you prefer to put a cold pork butt on the WSM or let it sit at room temperature 1 or 2 hrs prior to the smoke? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
I pull it out of the fridge and put the rub on and straight onto the WSM. The colder the meat the better your smoke ring is.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bryan S:
And as Joe said make sure you are NOT buying enhanced ribs/meat. That's a sure fire way to have hammy tasting meat. Look really good because they like to hide the fact that the meat has been ehanced.
I get my spares from Sam's Club and I have carefully inspected the package for any of the buzzwords that would indicate enhanced ribs. I haven't seen any indication that they are enhanced, but I will surely check again when I pick some up for this weekend's cook.
I think we have the smoke ring thing covered and I'm looking forward to some of my best ribs to date - I'm using Texas BBQ Rub #1. There should be no chance of hammy tasting ribs since it goes on right before the meat goes in the cooker.
Bryan, do you have a favorite sauce or glaze that you use with #1, or do you like them dry? I have some Texas Pepper Jelly on the way, but it won't be here by this weekend.
Thanks again everyone.
Kirk, With getting your ribs at Sam's you should be fine on the enhanced part. Never seen or heard of Sam's selling them. If you put a rub on that has alot of salt in it and let them sit overnight this can lead to hammy ribs. As far as sauce goes we are HUGE Head Country Sauce fans here so that's what i put on my Q. I like ribs both ways dry and wet. Not sure if you ever used the #1 rub but it's some good stuff and i think you're really going to like it.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Greg Rempe:
You can try buying ribs at the local butcher shop...not enhanced there either!!
Now you've gone and made me feel guilty Greg. I know that I should support my local butcher instead of giving my money to Mr. Walton (who has enough already), but unfortunately my loyalty is exceeded by my *in his best Scottish accent * "thriftiness." In my defense, I only get my briskets from the butcher, never Sam's. Every time I go to his shop, the guys come out from the back and want to talk BBQ. It's funny, all work stops until they find out what I'm cooking on, how the meat's being prepped, etc... They even put aside the best cuts for me when they know I'm coming, and I've only been a customer for a short while. I get excellent service there and considering the marginal difference in price, I should give them more of my business.
I'm going to throw this into the mix. What contributes to a smokering not forming? The thickness of your rub i.e. a rub high in sugar? One would think that if you used a rub that contained alot of sugar that this would or could stop a deep smokering from forming. Once the sugar melted it would seem to me that it could form a shell(think candy apples here) as to block the smokering from forming. I wonder what the difference would be in the smokering if 2 butts were cooked on the WSM. One with a high sugar content rub and one with no rub on it. Would the smokerings be the same depth? I wonder. Just thought i would throw this out there and see what others think.

