What Are You Cooking Tonight?


Brian B.

Just wanted to say happy new year and thanks to the VWBB. This forum has been a great source of information for me over the past few years and I really feel that I have expanded my knowledge and skill with both the WSM and the gasser (10 year old genesis series B).

We're headed to a party next door, so we are doing Larry's Orange Sriracha wings and some pork loin sandwiches. Hawaiian roll, a slice of pre-grilled pork, a slice of brie and then under the broiler. Dijon mustard for topping if desired.

Will try to post pics later.
hawaiian roll ??
not cooking anything, the wife is. she goes crazy and comes up with strange stuff at times.
happy new year !
Merry new year! (Eddie Murphy lol)
Easy peasy for us, stuffed shrooms under the broiler, shrimp cocktail, and some chi-town Italian beef sammies.
Plenty of libations and other stuff.

We are at the beach, listening to the waves, but not allowed to cook on the condo balcony. :( ...but NEXT weekend...
I didn't get any pics( I know,it didn't happen!),but we did a couple BCCs,along with baked taters,grilled zukes and sautéed gus for everyone else! Tomorrow ,chicken salad!
Those Hawaiian rolls go perfectly with pork. I just finished rubbing down a butt for first thing tomorrow.

