Weber connect smart hub.



TVWBB Honor Circle
Needed a new wireless thermometer set up, lost all my thermoworks stuff in an accident at the house.
Looked at the signals but decided to pick up a Weber smart hub, the Weber Connect app really impressed me with its latest version on my SmokeFire so I decided to give this a go.
It was a mixed bag when it first came out but it looks like Weber put some real effort into it and the Connect app. It’s WiFi and Bluetooth, connected right up, downloaded the latest update in about 10 minutes.

I like the way it graphs out your cooks and it was a lot less than a signals. I’m hoping to put it to use Saturday.
Anyone using one of these?
Weber claims 20 hour battery life, I’m hoping that proves true.
I’ve been using the Connect for a couple of years and like it more than the iGrill. Don’t use the app all too often as I know at what temp. I’m going to turn / pull food off the grill. I do like the Temp Spike app more.

