Viking Feast


Brian M.

I am associated with a summer dinner theater and last weekend was the last show. There is one individual who each year will donate money for the cast to have a lobster dinner before they head back to NY and CT. The lobsters were quite reasonable this year and we were able to purchase 30 of them for $120.00. I thought we would make it a surf and turf and that I would donate some of the ribs and pork I had in the freezer.... Let the feast begin!
Started to rain on overnight with pork

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Started cooking lobster

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Ribs and Pork were plated

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Ready to dig in

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Everyone seemed to enjoy the feast

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Shells and bones are starting to pile up

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I don't think the kids will ever forget their summer in Maine and I'm sure it will be quite a while before they sit down to a all you can eat lobsters, ribs and pork.

Thanks for looking
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I don't think I have ever had lobster other than a little frozen bucket I bought at Whole Foods of chunk meat to throw into lobster mac n' cheese. I bet that was amazing cooked fresh and hot, you sure look like you know how to cook the bugs!

I love your umbrella on the WSM. That is ingenious to say the least. I gotta do that some day to have on hand when the weather ain't wanting to let me get my Q on.
OK I have absolutely zero acting talent, but I can eat--can I join before next year's feast? That looked fantastic!
Viking feast it is! Super looking meal and good times! Love the WSM cover as well! You should market that one!

Nice work!

Thank you all for the kind remarks. It was really a good time and plenty of lobster for 13 people
The guy at the end of the table on left in the 6th picture down is the lobster man who supplied the seafood. They are only getting 2.50 a lb off the boat so paying him 3 bucks a lb was fair for us. His wife makes costumes for the theater.

On the Unbrella over the WSM I would love to take credit for the idea, but I'm pretty sure I got it here a while back. It's just a old unbrella, duct tape and a clamp I heisted from my shop.


