Vegetarian friends coming over! Wsm ideas?


Ben R

TVWBB Member
Ok I know this just not right, but I have some family friends coming into town and are having dinner at the house but their vegetarians, so more meat for me. So I thought it's still a good opportunity to play with my new toy (wsm). I need some good dinner ideas for vegetarians on the wsm? Any one have any insight on this? Also easy website to use for posting pics EASY!! not the best at the comp thing so easier the better, thanks
Stuffed mushrooms, pizza, bean burritos, ratatouille, grilled squash, grilled zucchini, Fish tacos if they are fish eaters. All I can think of off the top of my head at the moment.
Just don't smoke their whole meal. Need unsmoked components to provide variety.

Fish?? Not if they're vegetarians.
Just don't smoke their whole meal. Need unsmoked components to provide variety.

Fish?? Not if they're vegetarians.

Being called a vegetarian seems to be a very loose term like stuff being called organic. I know people that call themselves Vegetarians but will eat dairy, or seafood or will eat everything but red meat.
Yeah, the term vegetarian leaves to much room to make something they won't eat and you may not want. I would ask them what they like and then play off that.
Thanks for all the great ideas i think i will keep it some what easy liking the stuffed shroom idea and maybe taters or vegetables, will let you know how it turns outs, i think i have a week to get my menu down thanks again
Cowboy beans minus the bacon
Corn on the cob, cooked indirect in the husk
Green onions look nice with grill marks
Portabello burgers
Direct-grilled summer squash, zucchini, peppers, could do these kabob style

How about some:
Scalloped Potatoes - just do it in a CI Dutch on your WSM
Quinoa Tabouleh - not a smoker dish but really awesome
Garlic Stuffed Onion - usually done on the OTS but adaptable to the WSM
Smoked Stuffed Mushrooms - also adaptable to the WSM - leave out the sausage
Grilled Zucchini - buried in a post about roast chicken
Grilled Artichokes - also adaptable from the OTS
Grilled Asparagus - make some garlic vinaigrette (substitute more mustard for egg yolks if they object to eggs) to marinate them and smoke them in a grilling pan

I hope these ideas help.


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Just in case they have not gotten enough attention already? Jokes aside, most vegetarians are nice people, and will be thankful for your effort.

Try grilled cauliflower. It's delicious.

A mixture of food, both on a grill and on a WSM would be ideal, I think. Smoked beans are very nice, as well. The same thing goes for smoked, salted almonds, but that is more like a snack, not dinner.
just beware. some may throw a fit if they realized that you're cooking your meat on the same surface...
Good point.
Militant vegans would definitely complain...sadly, I live with one. :(

If this is a concern, try cooking the vegan stuff first on a clean grill or cook their stuff on a separate grill.

