Today's PSB for the SB party


Dave S

TVWBB Super Fan
Figured I'd start a thread early on today's cook, PSB for tonight's party
2.5 hours into it smoker sitting at 255 meat now at 147
6.5 lbs of chuck rubbed with a home made santa monica rub

and here we go

very foggy morning

the rest of the players

ready and waiting for the chuck to reach 165

I will add more later when the cook is complete
I do have one question---- is two bottles of stout too much liquid or should I stick with one, this is my first attempt at the dish
Thanks for stopping by
Looks great Dave, I would put one bottle in there. Actually I put usually about 2/3 bottle as I found the veggies let off a lot of moisture. If you want it literally swimming in broth put a full bottle.
Well I'm 4 1/2 hours into the cook, chucks at 167, added to the peppers and covered, I want to burn off my coals so I opened all vents to see if I can get it up over 325, if not will finish in the oven which I have to do anyway at the end

I might be pushing it, was told to bring the food over at 5
Just remember don't pull it by temp, it varies quite a bit. Put in a fork and if it twists real easy it is ready. Before that you will be disappointed.
thanks again Bill, probe say 205 but it does not have that shred look if you know what I mean, I think it's oven time
Ok ready to be reduced, might be the last photo today as I have to get to the party in one hour, hope it reduces

Thanks again for looking my friends, see ya later
Good morning all, I wanted to post what the final result was on the PSB so here it is.

Thanks for stopping by
Great looking pics Dave! I did the same cook Saturday evening to reheat for the game Sunday. My brother and I were doing some boozing Saturday so I didn't take any pics, but mine looked nearly identical to yours and tasted terrific! The only difference was my cooker was surrounded by snow and the exterior temp was about 20* F... The WSM didn't mind one bit!

This was actually the first time I've cooked Beef in my less than 1 year old WSM and I'm thrilled with the results. This will definitely become a regular cook in our house!

