Tie-Breaker - Throwdown #20: Pork Chops


Break the tie! Who has the winning entry in Throwdown #20: Pork Chops?

  • timothy - Apple Thyme Marinated WSM Chops

    Votes: 38 54.3%
  • Sandy B - Smoked pork chop roulade over mushroom risotto

    Votes: 32 45.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Chris Allingham

Staff member
Folks, we've got a tie in the voting for best pork chops in Throwdown #20. Per our rules, we break the time with another vote between the two entries.

I flipped a coin to determine whose entry is listed first. Here are the two entries...click to see their photos and descriptions.

Voting closes on Tuesday, June 17 at 11:35am PT.

Good luck, and may the best chop win!

Great ! Good luck Timothy
This is making me hungry! Tim, those chops are fat and phat!
Sandy, killer pork rolls! Love the presentation of your plate!
Congrats on your throwdown win, Timothy!

Happy Birthday, as well.

Hope you are enjoying your evening with family and friends.:)
Congrats, Timothy! Glad I didn't have to flip a coin to determine a winner. :)

Enjoy your victory for a few days, then start thinking about an ingredient for our next throwdown. It's your privilege to pick. When you've got some ideas, drop me a PM so we can discuss.

Late to to vote...really too late since the winner's been declared.

I have a question though...I wonder how much of one's vote for the dish comes from the actual photos? I mean, I really liked the way one of these dishes was cooked, but IMO, the photos did NOT do it justice. I almost feel like had the pictures been better, one would have been the walk-away winner.

Congrats to both entrants though...I'll be trying each recipe very soon!
Late to to vote...really too late since the winner's been declared.

I have a question though...I wonder how much of one's vote for the dish comes from the actual photos? I mean, I really liked the way one of these dishes was cooked, but IMO, the photos did NOT do it justice. I almost feel like had the pictures been better, one would have been the walk-away winner.

Congrats to both entrants though...I'll be trying each recipe very soon!

It's the whole package, if its a great cook but bad photos, it is still a visual medium

I think it's clear that there are some really good photographers and there are some that are fine with smartphone pics.

Congratulations, Timothy! A well deserved win.
Two good entries, congrats Timothy, and also to Sanda B. Question for Sanda B, why is your Rissotto so yellow? Was the Vegetable stock the cause? Mine is, always white or slightly tanned due to chicken stock. Great presentation!...........................d
Two good entries, congrats Timothy, and also to Sanda B. Question for Sanda B, why is your Rissotto so yellow? Was the Vegetable stock the cause? Mine is, always white or slightly tanned due to chicken stock. Great presentation!...........................d

I use the kitchen essentials ( of kitchen basics you know the ones in the cardbord box) one. The vegetable stock ( not broth) is pretty dark and the last 10% of beef or chicken ( I dont remember which one it was, I only used it because I rant out of vegetable) is also pretty dark.

Its been a while so I thought i might have added saffron to the stock because I had planned to make Paella but I'm pretty sure I dont have any at home. I kind of cook by the seat of my pants. As you make it here is what I think I did but I'm no expert in this and I make no declarations as to whether I did this in the manner that follows or not

1) stock ( heated to close to simmer in another pot)
2) chopped onion and a little garlic ( like one clove)
3) sauteed in butter,olive oil till the onions were translucent ( about 10 min)
4) added the rice ( I think it was the texas version of aborio, it was definately not from italy)
5) about 10 minutes stirring to coat and cook rice
6) added hot stock one cup at a time, stirring constantly. this takes about 2 beers of continual stirring adding new stock when the last of the old sstock is adsorbed, so I figure about 20-25 min. You CANNOT stop stirring or it will cake and burn. Its done when it is just softer than al dente, but its important that there is no residual unadsorbed liquid so you are looking at cooked oatmal like consistency.
7) remove from heat, add in parmigianno regianno and frozen baby peas, mix them in cover and plate within about 5 min.

Some people like white pepper but I'm not a big fan and black pepper is an unappealing contrast.

Hope this helps.
I use the kitchen essentials ( of kitchen basics you know the ones in the cardbord box) one. The vegetable stock ( not broth) is pretty dark and the last 10% of beef or chicken ( I dont remember which one it was, I only used it because I rant out of vegetable) is also pretty dark.

Its been a while so I thought i might have added saffron to the stock because I had planned to make Paella but I'm pretty sure I dont have any at home. I kind of cook by the seat of my pants. As you make it here is what I think I did but I'm no expert in this and I make no declarations as to whether I did this in the manner that follows or not

1) stock ( heated to close to simmer in another pot)
2) chopped onion and a little garlic ( like one clove)
3) sauteed in butter,olive oil till the onions were translucent ( about 10 min)
4) added the rice ( I think it was the texas version of aborio, it was definately not from italy)
5) about 10 minutes stirring to coat and cook rice
6) added hot stock one cup at a time, stirring constantly. this takes about 2 beers of continual stirring adding new stock when the last of the old sstock is adsorbed, so I figure about 20-25 min. You CANNOT stop stirring or it will cake and burn. Its done when it is just softer than al dente, but its important that there is no residual unadsorbed liquid so you are looking at cooked oatmal like consistency.
7) remove from heat, add in parmigianno regianno and frozen baby peas, mix them in cover and plate within about 5 min.

Some people like white pepper but I'm not a big fan and black pepper is an unappealing contrast.

Hope this helps.

Ah, saffron. I've found a way to make mine in a dutch oven. Stir in the rice and stir with wine for a few minutes, however, after the stock is added, all at once, and then continue cooking for about 17 minutes, only stirring a couple of times, eliminating the constant stirring........I also add wine at the beginning, and chives, lemon juice and parsley toward the end along with the cheese. Out of cooks illustrated magazine... .............good stuff..............................d
Ah, saffron. I've found a way to make mine in a dutch oven. Stir in the rice and stir with wine for a few minutes, however, after the stock is added, all at once, and then continue cooking for about 17 minutes, only stirring a couple of times, eliminating the constant stirring........I also add wine at the beginning, and chives, lemon juice and parsley toward the end along with the cheese. Out of cooks illustrated magazine... .............good stuff..............................d

cooks illustrated is good although not the greatest for new techniques. I have tried several no stir risotto's and have never had one that I like, I might try yours. I almost considered that robotic stirrer ( like a tripod with a motor on top) that they used to sell on late night tv but I actually read some online reviews and they were not all that complimentary

I have quite a few old cooks illustrated's at home ( kind of subscribed/lapsed/resubscribed) you wouldnt have the year or issue number by chance ?

Also it wasnt all that clear but my yellow risottto was definately made without saffron which if its in my kitchen will be used pretty much exclusively for paella.
Congrats Timothy on your win and to you to Sandy both of you had outstanding presentations. I will defiantly be entering another challenge in the future.
cooks illustrated is good although not the greatest for new techniques. I have tried several no stir risotto's and have never had one that I like, I might try yours. I almost considered that robotic stirrer ( like a tripod with a motor on top) that they used to sell on late night tv but I actually read some online reviews and they were not all that complimentary

I have quite a few old cooks illustrated's at home ( kind of subscribed/lapsed/resubscribed) you wouldnt have the year or issue number by chance ?

Also it wasnt all that clear but my yellow risottto was definately made without saffron which if its in my kitchen will be used pretty much exclusively for paella.

I just recently let my CI, on-line subscription lapse, but the article was in the most recent magazine, which they do not date for some strange reason, but this one has pictures of garlic on the cover.........I agree, that each time I make it, this way (only twice so far)or "old" way, it still pretty much tastes the same, texture might differ.........................d
I just recently let my CI, on-line subscription lapse, but the article was in the most recent magazine, which they do not date for some strange reason, but this one has pictures of garlic on the cover.........I agree, that each time I make it, this way (only twice so far)or "old" way, it still pretty much tastes the same, texture might differ.........................d

I might have to try it then, the "garlic on the cover" is not super helpful as they are the least food **** of the magazines ( like saveur/gourmet/anything by a food network celeb). Every no stir Ive ever tried tasted like pilaf not risotto. Pilaf aint bad but its not risotto.

the best I ever made was when I was wooing my now-wife then girlfriend. Instead of stock I used wine ( under a grilled filet with gorgonzola/pistachios on top). I dont recall if it was a seat of my pants cook or a recipe but the rice was blood red and so fantastically good. Ive tried to recreate it since then to no avail.
Thank you:) Any one of the entry's could have won because they were all so good!
Tough competition for sure, and the next one hopefully will be the same.
Stay tuned.

Thank you:) Any one of the entry's could have won because they were all so good!
Tough competition for sure, and the next one hopefully will be the same.
Stay tuned.


You are too modest, you killed it and won not by some fluke but because you deserved it, no question about it.

But whatever you choose, i'm coming after you. The good thing us that it overlaps the 4th so the pool will be big.

But I tip my hat to you sir, well done indeed.

