Thermometer Recomendation


Bill Pearson

TVWBB Super Fan
Folks it appears that my Redi-check Et-7has quit "syncing" with the remote. I am looking for suggestions on a new Thermometer, preferably with Dual Probes. I was never impressed with the redi-check, one of the probes gave out and now this issue.

I attempted a search for this, but it yeilded way to many results for "Thermometer".

I think really the only other multiple-probe thermometer, with remote sensor capabilities is the nu-temp. Search for that on these boards and you'll get a ton of good info. I have a mav et-73, which I like. Sorry yours fizzled out on you.

good luck.
Bought my Nu- Temp based on recommentions from this site and a good price which unfortunately has expired, I believe. Served me well so far, about 6-8 cooks.

