The ol' pork butt/brisket combo starts tonight!

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How did the cook turn out? You should be eating by now!
Hope it turned out good! What's for breakfast?????? Cold brisket sammich and a warm leftover 7&7?

How'd it turn out. Got any other cooks planned for this weekend. I'm still doing a turkey tomorrow and planning on doing an overnighter with 2 butts. Got pics?

NIGHTS suck...hate working fri nights. But hey least when I do the overnight cooks I'm used to being up anyhow LOL
Hey, everybody----this little Susie Q is beat, but I popped in to say that everything turned out great! I think I'm a convert to the mustard rubbed butt (after initially resisting it)---it was soooo flavorful and not even a whit mustardy. Great, tasty bark. Wow! And not at all too sweet, for those of you who feared my addition of turbinado to the #1 Texas rub.

The brisket was fabulous. Pulled it off at a higher temp than normal (um...what was it again? Must have been in the high 180s or even in the 190s), so it was in the so-tender-it-shreds-when-you-stretch-it category, but still quite juicy and tasty. This time the #2 rub tasted like it had some heat to it. Not sure what made it spicy hot, but something gave it a kick.

I also decieded to throw on some baby backs pretty late in the game. I was planning to do the 3-2-1 adjusted down as many here have noted to a 2-2-1.

These were evil enhanced little numbers so I avoided any rubs and did 'em au natural, finishing them with.....cherry jalapeno pepper jelly!

They actually worked out ok after I ended up leaving 'em in the ol' WSM for a bit longer than planned (they were in the 200's when I pulled 'em off). They spent time in and out of foil a few times, but they never got to where I thought they should be. But what the heck do I know? Maybe I'm not sure what I want my ribs to be like, but I figure I'll know 'em when I taste 'em.

Having said all that, my brother's skinny girlfriend made a whopping FOUR, count 'em, FOUR trips to fill her plate! Plus they took loads of leftovers, bless 'em.

So...I'm thinking it was a successful cook!

Oh, and no leftover 7 and 7's this time--I drank 'em all!

How did you judge the temp of your ribs. Haven't heard of may folks measuring them that way. Usually just do the pull test based on my personal prefs and I just know about how long it takes to cook them based on how I setup the grill and all. Thanks.
Susie Q...You're a hoot!

I also tried a mustard slather on my last butt using Tx BBQ Rub #2. I have to say, it was very good! A bit thicker than usual, but very good. Worsty sauce is my next experiment

Take care,
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Susan Z:
(the neighbor's cats---drives 'em crazy to smell bbq all night) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Do I detect a bit of Sadist here? (In a good way of course. Cats a fun to torment, uh...I mean, tease.)
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MattJ:
Do you just cover it in it and then apply the rub? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>That's my understanding
I wouldn't have thought to measure temps in ribs, either, but I saw it in a post when i was searching 3-2-1 ribs, so I figured what the heck. I just worked the thermopen into the meat in different places. Figured it couldn't hurt.

I think I'm cursed when it comes to ribs. Like I said, they were tasty but had the consistency of the kind of ribs you get from Chinese restaurants. Perhaps that's desireable, but I was looking for a little more tender. Plenty o'tug, tho, for those who despair losing that feeling.

Now my beef ribs with Hoisin sauce indirect on the kettle, and my rotisserie ribs----THOSE I love! And it doesn't even bug me that the rotis ribs aren't tender. (the beef ribs sure are tho). So maybe I don't know what the heck I'm looking for in a rib...
Your brothers girlfriend wont stay skinny very long if she eats 4 plates full of food often, lol but I likes a healthy woman!
I agree on the mustard slathered butts. Thats the way I do mine too except Im searching for my own homemade rub.
Pssssst, Dale----I'll let you in on a little secret. Make sure your rub has alot of turbinado sugar in it! Don't tell anyone else, tho---this will be our competitive advantage above the others. We'll rule the pulled pork circuit...and then, THE WORLD! Bwa ha ha ha ha!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Susan Z:
...Of course, i don't use the liquid smoke... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I would hope not. Too think that you even uttered it from those sweet lips.

I have a lot of reading to catch up on and will get back in a few.
Susan, I can keep a secret so tell me more! I just checked the P butts and they are at 185 degrees. The smell is un-credible. HEE HEE!!
Decades from now, on my deathbed when I'm hoarsely whispering "Turbinado...turbinado..." only you folks will know why...!

Ok, here's another secret. I've nuked some of yesterday's ribs and cracked open an Oktoberfest beer and am settling in to watch BBQ U!

It's this episode:
Show 208 - Fire Birds

Last year, Steven demonstrated Beer Can Chicken, certainly one of the most legendary recipes he's ever written. This year's all-poultry show starts with Iced Tea Chicken, a non-alcoholic version of that famous recipe that's infused with a sweet Southern flavor all its own. Silver Paper Chicken is a healthy update of a fried dim sum dish, made with five-spice marinated chicken breasts grilled in aluminum foil shu mai. And the professor shows off a pair of dishes he learned trekking the world's barbecue trail, Piri-Piri Chicken from Portugal and Grilled Game Hens with a marinade he learned from a grill master in Afghanistan.

Click here for a RealVideo clip
On the menu (page numbers indicate page in the Barbecue! Bible, unless otherwise noted):

* Iced Tea Chicken (from Beer Can Chicken, page 130, sauce on page 133; recipe follows)
* Silver Paper Chicken
* Afghan Grilled Game Hens (page 273)
* Piri-Piri Chicken (page 241)

On edit: Mom emailed reporting that she'd enjoyed "delicious pulled pork and cole slaw" for breakfast. Atta girl, Mom!
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