The Dreaded D Word


Robert T

I'm on a diet. It sucks. I had a physical. Not so good. 20 lbs. over 5 years ago. High blood pressure. High lipids, cholesterol etc... All the bad stuff you don't want to hear in your 50's. Entered a body transformation program which unfortunately does not include barbecue at this time. So I have been "enjoying" a lot of salad and chicken. I don't even have the heart to post our chicken breast cooks. Once I get the thing turned around I can't wait to introduce my favorite food, barbecue, back on a limited basis. In the meantime I am living vicariously through the great cooks on this forum. Keep up the good work and I'll be back joining you in a while.
Once you get back in shape you can get back to grilling and smoking. Maybe not as often but just remember, everything in moderation. At 68 that works well for me.
doc is happy, I'm happy.
There are a lot of healthy food you can cook on the BBQ, even that boring chicken without sugar nor salt. Just some herbs to have it savoury.
Vegetables, salmon, sardines,... It's hard the cnage but it's the only way to keep barbequing hehehehe
Welcome to the 50's Robert, trust me it gets worse when there's more 50's behind you than there are in front of you... Get lots of walks in with that beautiful bride of yours, eat in moderation, and drink like a fish :)

I'm starting to realize why I haven't lost any weight *yikes*
Good luck to you Robert. After visiting my doctor in February I decided to make some changes too. I am using the MyFitnessPal app to count my calories. I dropped 25 pounds in 3 months, but have been in a stall for the last one. I turned 59 in April and have done lifetime personal bests for cycling distance and speed since then.

Barbecue is in my diet, both in April and in May. I just eat it in moderation.

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Robert a real good diet to follow is a diabetics deit.
I am a type 2 and took a class from dietitian and she gave us each a plan that allows you to eat most foods ( even BBQ) big things ,no sugar, watch carbs, and limit or stay away from alcohol.
Sodas, and such are easy to drop water is every where, coffee is good .
You will feel much better.
I use Raw Honey in place of sugar.
I just turned 60 on the 14th, and I started what you are going through, now, at 50, too. Since then, I have lost 50 pounds, and grilling (and now smoking) helped me to eat less fried foods. I think the biggest help, though, was cutting back on carbohydrates and eating out less. Another positive I did was hiking at nearby state parks and local greenways.

If you must eat bake goods, try WASA crackers. They taste kinda bland by themselves, but you can top them with a light coating of peanut butter and raw honey, or whatever you choose. Just go lightly on the topping if it is calorie-rich. I also like to eat superfoods such as beets pickled in Bragg's organic vinegar and sweetened with Stevia or Splenda.
Thanks for the great advice everyone. Trust me Rusty everything I eat is measured so I can enter it into MyFitnessPal. Had a great eating week. ChuckO your advice is my fave! Laughed my a#$ off!
Forgot you are in Montana, Robert.

Take advantage of those steep hills and build up those legs. My weight loss accelerated after hiking steep hills and climbing steps.
I just turned 69 and with a bad heart and lousy feet it's hard for me to exercise a lot but I do what I can. We walk Whitney in the fields around here and get in about two miles a day, everyday.
Portion control and eating low fat and low salt is what works best for me. Checkout the healthy grilling in the grilling section of the forum some pretty good stuff in there.
Become a label reader, you will find that a lot of these lowcal/lowfat foods are just loaded with salt.
Barb and I try to eat fresh food as much as possible instead of processed food that way we can control what's in what we eat.
Good luck.
Robert i been there i still BBQ, i had heart blockage and stents put in, But just change my cooking habits still enjoyed most things .Fish with baked ,chicken chicken using Ms dash seasoning all good .Can't have my Banana Splits w/ whipped cream lol but they do have diet ice cream lol a lot recipes for vegs I made chicken cutlets with lemon herders and Garlic Robert you'll find a lot good things to eat and when you lose the weight you can have portions of what you like in BBQ just don't overdo

Good luck buddy
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I hate the government declared war on fat some years ago. Demonizing fat caused folks to eat more carbs (much of it refined), which produced more hunger, which produced extra pounds. I remember coming up in the 60s and 70s, and we ate fat back for breakfast with lard biscuits without getting fat. We also topped grits with black eye (rendered pork fat & coffee) gravy.


Here's to better health for Rich & Jerry. :)
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I'm glad the D word isn't Diabeetus - that's not a laughing matter.


Post your cooks in the Healthy Grilling section - I want to see.

