Thanksgiving in beautiful San Bernardino....


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Not really...... Google the city and you will be surprised why I'm still here. Well at least where we live it's the "nice" area.

The temperature was great,beer was getting cold and my grill was ready to go.

Turkey was brined,injected and seasoned.

Used cherry for smoke

Maribel doing prep work.

Turkey is done after 3 hours and 20 min

Lets eat

Thanks for stopping by

Tony and Maribel.
Killer meal and Turkey brother! Might be one of the best ones served the past days. Maribell is a doll and you know it. A shut up dinner right there!
Isn't rotisserie turkey awesome!? Did one last year and it was killer. Would of done it this time but had too big of a bird. Roto is only rated for 20lbs, i like to keep it under that. If you haven't already, try a pork loin on that thing, they're fantastic!
Great lookin cook buddy!
Outstanding Tony & Maribel!
This cooler of brewskis photo freaked me out a bit... up here, we just toss the bottles in the snow bank. in fact, most times, the dam'nstuff freezes!

Perfect first time with a roto turkey Tony. Those are so good and the sides look great also.
Know what you mean about SB, when I was a central office supervisor one of my offices was the SB office and if we had to send a tech to the office at night we always sent them in pairs because that office was in the bad a**s part of town... creepy!
Nice looking bird and fixings Tony and Maribel, almost December and still in flip flops ,shorts and a t-shirt, gotta love the weather.
Jealous of the food: always!
Jealous of the weather: mostly!
Jealous of the location: well... :) you make it tempting though.
Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving buddy.
Great post as always Tony and Maribel. Bird looks great. You're cooks never fail! Cool pic of the chimney too. Sounds dumbs, but the light around the bottom is a neat pic.

