Surf and local turf

Don't look like no "peaux boys" cooking to me. In fact, looks mighty elegant for a Louisiana Boy.
I'd dang sure eat a plate,,,,,,,,,,,,or 2.

I actually laughed out loud! The only one with elegance around me is my wife and daughter...
Thanks Frank!
That's one of the best looking plates I've seen in a while. You really nailed it on all fronts. All the way to the beer.
Beautiful brown scallops. Beautiful sear on the steak. Looks great, and a tasty combination of sweet and savory.
Phenomenal looking meal! One question - what did you do with the searing grate when you finished with it and switched to the skillet? I'd be worried about where to put that thing when it was so hot.
I placed the grate on the regular? grate that is on the weber, on my old pine wood island table. It's raised an inch above the wood. Removed it with tongs.
That looks friggin awesome, I think I would frame that shot of the scallops and steak,the one in the backyard with the pool in the background.

